Bulanglang- made with mixed vegetables which is so rich in vitamins and minerals. It can have meat or fish and even shrimp paste.Very traditional healthy dish . This dish was I knew from my grandmother who always have this in their dining table because her garden was full of different kinds of vegetables .Usually , only available vegetables can be use for this dish,however we would like to more deliscious and more tasteful. I used to eat this dish because they teach me how to eat ,taste so good.Here's our recipe;
Bulanglang with Shrimp Paste
1/2 kilo squash cut into cubes
2 eggplant sliced
6 pcs okras sliced
12 pcs squash blossoms
1 bittermelon sliced
1 green papaya sliced
1 bond string beans cut into 2 inches long
7 pcs winged beans(sigarilyas) sliced
1 cup malunggay leaves
1 bond sweet potato leaves cut into 2 inches long
3 tomatoes sliced
1 medium onion sliced
2 gloves garlic sliced
1 tbsp shrimp paste
2 pcs dried fish(optional)
3 cups water
salt and pepper to taste
1.Clean and cut all vegetables and set aside.
2. Prepare all ingredients.Gather all equipments needed.
3.In one clay pot or casserol,combined all ingredients .
4.Bring to boil the mixed ingredients until papaya and squash are done.
5.Serve with rice.Enjoy!
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Always Enjoy Cooking!!!
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