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Monday, December 29, 2014

Greece Norman Atlantic ferry-the names of the passengers and crew of the ship, (video and photos)

According to the Headquarters of the Coast Guard - Greek Coast Guard has begun the transit of occupants of burning passenger / ferry «Norman Atlantic», a ship of the Italian Navy.
Recall that for several hours there were heated discussion about whether to tow the burning ship and who will be the final destination. The Italians insisted transfer to Brindisi. On the table was dropped and the sentence «Norman Atlantic» to drive to the port of Albania, as this country was the closest.
With the aid of tugs tied at port of Bari commercial ship with the 49 passengers of Norman Atlantic.
After 28 hours of suffering at sea, 49 of the 478 passengers of Norman Atlantic managed to step on shore shortly after 08:30 in the morning.
The Italian authorities are ready to receive them while their ambulances waiting at the port of Bari.
In the publicity given by the port authorities the names of the passengers and crew of the ship Norman Atlantic, as forwarded by the managing company.

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