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Sunday, February 16, 2014

New Instructions of "Ergosimo" issued by the Social Security in Greece (IKA)

New Instructions issued by the Social Security in order to clarify issues arising since it first applied the ergosimou and of the changes made after the event and on both the insurance rate and calculation of days of insurance, and as to the time within which they relate.Finally reference is made to the new categories of paid and insured persons through Ergosimou.

Categories of paid & insured persons (p.2 - p.3)
Procedure for the issue - Redemption ergosimou (p.4 - p.6)
Sectors insurance - insurance rate (p.6 - p.8)
Young & insured while insurance (p.8 - p.8)

Calculation of days of insurance (p.9 - p.15)
Specification - reminders of (p.15 - p.19)
Conditions applying to sickness benefits booklet for Visas-2013 (p.20 - p.21)

 Download the full text the  Instructions 43/2013 from here (Greek only)

In english we report below

A) The home of the employer employed staff providing an employment or services , paid by the hour or day , at regular or irregular intervals , either one, or to several employers for the same pay period , the which falls into insurance with IKA - HSEE . Indicative covered the following tasks or services:
→ auxiliary services to family care ( for example: domestic helpers for household cleaning and general housekeeping , drivers )
→ the gardening ,
→ Babysitting of children , toddlers and infants,
→ support by providing all forms of assistance and care for the elderly and persons with special needs , including facilitating these individuals for their participation in cultural , religious, recreational and social activities ,
→ services provided to people in rehabilitation programs non-profit institutions or Roofs Supported Living for People with Disabilities , characterized by mental retardation ( rh A)
→ grooming or nursing sick or bedridden persons and assistance to people with mobility problems ( physical therapy, physiotherapy , escort outside the home ) ,
→ individual mikroepiskefastikes works not constitute construction,
→ tutoring ,
→ aesthetic care services ( hairdressing, facial and body ) .
B ) Personnel providing cleaning services and gardening common areas of apartment buildings , paid by the hour or day , at regular or irregular intervals , either to one or to several employers for the same pay period , which falls into insurance IKA - HSEE , not supplying this service as clerical staff or the company as a member of a company .
C ) Distributors brochures with the distribution system with or without address recipient.
D) employed to promote products for face and body on behalf of one or more companies at home or elsewhere .
E) Employees in promoting consumer products in supermarkets , food stores and supermarkets (super market)
New categories of paid and insured persons through ' Ergosimou . "
For fees and insurance of above persons remain compulsory process issue and redemption specific requirement " Ergosimo ." Debtor version of " Ergosimou " is solely the employer or an authorized representative thereof.
Right of redemption is solely the recipient of the Ergosimou ", ie the person providing the work and paid for it with the" Ergosimo . "
The issue and redemption " Ergosimou " replaces , uniquely, the financial compensation of these employees for the work they provide.
In the version of " Ergosimou " by certified operators ( ELTA - BANKS ) produced two strains . One of them held and retained by the employer as proof of payment , and the second given by the employer to the employee as a means of redemption, but also as proof of employment .
Upon redemption " Ergosimou " withheld insurance reservations .
• The employer addressed to the issuing of " Ergosimou " ( ELTA - BANKS ) with the ID card , Passport or other identifier , the A.M.K.A. and AFM , as derived from official documentary evidence .
If you choose redemption " Ergosimou " with a credit of the employee must also provide the name , the A.M.K.A. and AFM employed .
In case of redemption " Ergosimou ' cash , the Name, the A.M.K.A. and AFM worker , presented by him at the time of redemption.
Indicates the type of the work and submit the amount of " Ergosimou " ( Face Value " Ergosimou ") , which corresponds to the remuneration of the employee including insurance contributions.
In order to be able to issue " Ergosimou " by companies , legal persons or management of the building , entered compulsorily A.M.K.A. - The legal representative or manager.
In case the building management is entrusted to a company servicing condominiums, recognized the A.M.K.A. co-owner of the General Assembly of the co-owners designated as the responsible mediator between said company and the ownership .
Then entered compulsorily AFM company , legal person or the building management . The AFM must be entered on the " Ergosimo " along with the name of the business or the address of the building and included the information that issuers ( the specific requirement of ergosimou ) send to I.D.I.K.A. SA .
Subsequently , a licensing , exploiting the A.M.K.A. associated with the database A.M.K.A. - E.M.A.E.S. in real time , ie at the time of issue of the " Ergosimou " and looks for evidence of an employer in that database .
Then presents the data to confirm the employer , who in turn must confirm them . Before the release of " Ergosimou " a licensing send email to I.D.I.K.A. SA with elements of ' Ergosimou " for adoption.
On the copy - clipping displayed when issuing the " Ergosimou " the following elements :
a) The organization issuing the " Ergosimou " ( Post Office - BANKS )
b ) The competent social security (in this case IKA - ETAM )
c ) The unique number of " Ergosimou »
d ) The A.M.K.A. employer ( with a " hidden" part of that is not obvious )
e) The nominal data of the employer , as they have been identified and listed in the file A.M.K.A. - E.M.A.E.S. .
f ) The amount of " Ergosimou " ( Face Value " Ergosimou ") ie the total amount on the worker's remuneration and the appropriate amount of insurance deductions,
g ) Based on carrier selection social security and the type of work offered are listed in the " Ergosimo ' bookings for insurance contributions in that category.
h) The date of issue of the " Ergosimou ."
i ) The expiration date " Ergosimou ."
j ) Place for inclusion surname employees .
The amount of " Ergosimou 'can not be less than 5 €.
The time of validity, shall be four (4 ) months from the date of issue. After the expiry of this period , the " Ergosimo 'can not be redeemed by the employee , shall be automatically canceled by the issuing body and can not be used by the employer for payment provided in this service . In this case , the monetary ( nominal) value of the ' Ergosimou " credited by the issuing social security institution indicated on the " Ergosimo " (in this case IKA - ETAM ) the not refunded to the employer , at the request of the IKA Branch - HSEE place of residence ( instructions will be given when displaying the security of those persons O.P.S . / IKA . E.T.A.M - . ) .
" Ergosimo ' unused by the employer , can be canceled within three ( 3) months from the date of issue, in the same request to the carrier issue , so the amount ( Face Value " Ergosimou ") returned by the issuing body ( Post Office - BANKS ) .
• Insured emergent in BANKS or E.A.T.A. for the redemption of " Ergosimou " must present ID card , Passport or other identifier , the A.M.K.A. and AFM them .
It is obvious that the accuracy of both the AFM and the A.M.K.A. must be derived from official documentary evidence .
With the notified provisions vary the rate of insurance contributions from 20% to 25% of the listed price of " Ergosimou " and shared by industry affiliation.
It stipulates that reservations insurance employer contributions and employee remunerated with " Ergosimo " persons , estimated at 25% on the listed price of " Ergosimou " and included in the listed price " Ergosimou ."
Persons who provide labor, which falls in the listed categories of this circular , paid necessarily " Ergosimo " and secured through the redemption thereof to IKA for pension insurance , Sickness & Maternity in E.T.E.A. ( t E T. E. A. M.) for supplementary insurance and the former O.EK. ( employee contributions ) .
The insurance contribution rates allocated per class of insurance as follows :
Industry Main Pension 14.45 %
Health Insurance Industry in kind ( FBS Y. ) 4.65 %
Industry Sickness & Maternity cash 0.86 %
Auxiliary Insurance ( E.T.E.A. ) 4.32 %
Industry sq. OEK ( employee contributions ) 0.72 %
With the above in order to calculate the Denomination " Ergosimou ' ie the amount to be paid by the employer or authorized representative thereof to the issuing bodies and Redemption " Ergosimou "( E.A.T.A. , BANKS ) which includes social security contributions must the Net , pre-agreed between employer and employee , rate of pay of the second multiply by a factor of 1,333 .
If for her working hours agreed net amount of pay 600 €, then:
600 € x 1,333 = 800 € ( Face Value " Ergosimou ") .
800 € x 25 % ( insurance rate ) = 200 € ( Insurance Contributions ) .
Because of the notified provisions expressly stated that insurance contributions relating to both parties , ie employer and employee, but does not have the proportions in order to facilitate , it is known that , in the insurance practice for one third of total paid- in I . KA - HSEE insurance contributions to the withholding from the employee insurance rate .
Young Insured ( for the first time in any insurance carrier after 1/1/1993 ) which also secured another body or property due to the work performed , it may choose the insurer .
Therefore no certificate shall be issued for an exemption from another institution ( eg OAEE ) or submitted to IKA N.2084/1992 certificates of other entities to exclude policyholders from common insurance.
( A new way of calculating insurance days - N.4144/2013 )
In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 21 of Law 3863/2010 , as in force after the amendment of § 8a ' of Article 76 of Law 3996/2011 and replaced by Article 74 of Law 4144 / 2013 .
The persons who have made ​​contributions to the " Ergosimo " vindicated many days of insurance , those resulting from dividing the amount of insurance contributions withheld by the redemption of " Ergosimou ' contributions to the amount corresponding to the wage of an unskilled laborer December 31 of the year 2011 in accordance with the EGSSE .
The days of insurance , arising above , may not exceed 25 days per calendar month insurance or insurance 300 days per year .
The days of insurance related to the month of redemption " Ergosimou ."
Deleted doubling of days of insurance .
The formula used to calculate the days of insurance for " Ergosimo . " Redeemed from 1/1/2013 onwards are:
Amount of Insurance contributions ( withheld by " Ergosimou ") :
11.63 = Days Insurance ( Remove Doubling )
Amount of contributions withheld by " Ergosimou " obtained by multiplying the nominal value of the insurance rate with which issued the " Ergosimo " ie 20% or 25 % depending on when it was issued before or after 23 May 2013 , the date the universal application of the BANKS and E.A.T.A. the detention rate of 25% ( likely to be issued before May 23, 2013 " Ergosimo " with detention rate 25% ) .
Amount of Insurance Contribution = Face Value " Ergosimou " X insurance rate .
The coefficient 11.63 is derived as follows : 33,57 € X 34.65 % (Percent Insurance )
Regardless of the percentage that was the version of " Ergosimou ' if ' Ergosimo " redeemed from 1/ 1/2013 onwards for the calculation of days of insurance apply the foregoing.
" Ergosimo " issued by insurance contributions retention rate of 20% will be redeemed at the same rate reservation even if redemption is made after May 23, 2013 .

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