ENDORSEMENT OF SICKNESS WITH BOOK of 50 Governmental stamps in Greece for Social Security holders (IKA)
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11:59 AM
Greece published the Instructions of the Minister of Labour, whereby reduced the days of insurance required for the visa booklet of sickness from 100 to 50 for Social Security holders (IKA).
Details below
We know that because of high unemployment or underemployment faced by workers in Greece , so they can not complete the minimum time requirements for the consideration of health booklets and in order not to become uninsured themselves and the members of their families, has been prepared and filed the Greek parliament provision in the Act, which provides that :
A). Holders IKA - E.T.A.M . and their family members , for the period from 1.3.2013 to 28.2.2014 , it is possible to obtain sickness benefits in kind , by completing at least fifty ( 50 ) days of insurance , either during the previous calendar year (2012 ) , or by last fifteen , not including
days during the last calendar quarter of fifteen .
b.) The unemployed aged 29 and up to 55 years , who have made use of the provisions of paragraph 4 of Article 5 of Law 2768/1999 ( A273 ) as amended and in force , the insurance coverage for sickness type extended until 28 February 2014 .
Main employees of business under the name " ROLLING STOCK COMPANY SA ", as well as their family members , for the period from 1.3.2013 to 28.2.2014 , it is possible to grant sickness benefits in kind , without the requirement supplement insurance days .
Until the completion of the legislative process since after 28 02.2013 ending the insurance capacity of the above , please inform the relevant departments to carry out:
i. authenticate the books sickness insured you for granting sickness benefits in kind , if they have completed at least fifty ( 50 ) days of insurance , either during the previous calendar year (2012 ) , either in the last fifteen , not counting days made during the last calendar quarter of fifteen .
ii. the extension of insurance coverage for sickness benefits in kind until 28.02.2014 , the unemployed who have used the provisions of paragraph 4 of Article 5 of n.2768/1999 (A 273 ) as amended and in force and
iii. authenticate the books sickness for granting sickness benefits in kind for employees of the firm under the name " ROLLING STOCK COMPANY SA " without completing the required insurance days .
See full Instructions. F40021/oik.6307/279/4-3-2013 here (Greek only)