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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Mass burials in Philippines

Massively buried a hillside outside Tacloban some of the dead of the passage of Hurricane Chaigian in the Philippines, while assistance has not yet arrived - six days after - in all affected areas. Food and medicine have already begun to be delivered in the Philippines, but because of problems remain "stuck" in airports and warehouses, while the looting continues.
The first mass burials began in Taklompan , the city hit hardest on Thursday. Corpses in bags placed in the mass grave without ceremony. The scene outside the town hall is macabre , with dozens of bags of corpses waiting burial. Officials said that will continue for the next few days efforts to identify the dead, without being clear whether part of the effort will be the identification of genetic material.
On Thursday , the official death toll is 2,357 dead so far , without even garages have reached all the affected areas.
The problem at this stage is not lack of supply , and because of the motivation from the outside, but their delivery to affected areas. Among the various problems found and fuel shortages - while trucks sometimes have to choose between food delivery or collection remains. Indicative of a critical situation is the estimation of the principles that will take six weeks to restore power everywhere.
On Thursday afternoon (local time ) and the expected arrival of the U.S. aircraft carrier USS George Washington . Japan will send ships and aircraft, together with a total strength 1,000 soldiers greater development stratotiotikon forces of Tokyo abroad by the end of the Second World .
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