The Greek Committee for UNICEF provide assistance to children in the Philippines
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9:49 AM
As the number of children affected by the super - Hurricane Chaigian in the Philippines has reached 4,000,000 , UNICEF is stepping up efforts to address the emergency
UNICEF is rushing to send emergency supplies to areas of the Philippines destroyed by the super - Hurricane Chaigian on November 8 , and the latest estimates show that up to 4 million children could now be affected by the disaster.
Therapeutic food for children, health kits , kits for clean water and sanitation to support up to 3,000 families in the affected areas have already been shipped from supplies that are available within the country, with priority to the distribution for the region Taklompan soon become inaccessible .
" I hasten to provide critical supplies to children who bear the brunt of this crisis ," said UNICEF Representative in the Philippines Tomoo Hozumi. "It's very difficult to reach the worst affected areas, with limited access , due to the damage caused by Hurricane infrastructure and communications. But we are working day and night to find a way to send these supplies to children as soon as conditions allow . "
The UNICEF carries air from warehouse in Copenhagen , additional supplies worth $ 1.3 million for another 10,000 families, including those affected by the recent earthquake in Bohol . Missions include water purification tablets , soap, medical supplies , tarpaulins and nutritional supplements.
Children who survived the devastating passage of Chaigian still need emergency aid to survive the day after the storm. Of particular concern is the health , due to the effects of Hurricane in water and sanitation systems . The children also require safe and protected areas in order to be able to play and continue their education for adults as they work to regain their homes and their livelihoods .
"As we get a better picture of the impact of this disaster , it becomes clear that even more children are affected by what we initially thought , " said Mr. Hozumi. " UNICEF is doing all it can to reach out to these children as quickly as possible with critical supplies , protect their health, safety and wellbeing in the challenging days ahead . "
The Greek Committee for UNICEF in response to international efforts to provide assistance to children in the Philippines has opened a special website for online deals in and there is the account number : National Bank 169/480021-48
Also , those who want to help can call from a landline OTE 901 11 17 17 17 (charged 3efro + VAT).