Hunger strike of the representative of the Philippines in Warsaw (video)
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12:03 PM
The decision to hold a hunger strike until " spotted an essential result" said the representative of the Philippines in the international climate conference in Warsaw.
Just 24hours after the country was devastated by Hurricane Chaigian , who killed thousands of people and devastated the Gemp Sano issued a moving appeal for agreement .
"We can fix things . We can stop this madness . Here and now , "said Sano trying to hold back his tears . The diplomat confided that constantly awaits news from his relatives, who found the " path " of the hurricane, though, as he said , his brother survived the disaster. "For two days hauling corpses with both hands ."
" In a show of solidarity with my compatriots who are struggling to find food , start right now to fast voluntarily on climate. This means that you abstain from food during the conference and up to indicate a substantial effect , "concluded Sano sparking the prolonged applause of the delegates.
" I speak on behalf of our delegation . Mostly though I speak on behalf of the countless people who can not speak for themselves because they wiped out by the hurricane . I speak and those who were orphaned after the hurricane. I also speak for those battling against time to rescue survivors and to relieve the suffering of those affected . "
"It's always hard n ' yields a single weather event to climate change. But we know that the science is clear. Climate change brings more intense hurricanes. Even if you can not find a hurricane Chaigian climate change directly , my country refuses to accept a future that will ypertyfones is a normal circumstance , "said Gemp hay.
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