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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Beware if you receive this mail: Scammers of hurricane in the Philippines trying to take you money

The massive devastation caused by Hurricane Chaigian from the Philippines , shocked and intrigued the world audience , some cunning advantage of the event via e-mail trying to extort money for alleged donations for victims of the hurricane.
A particular mail circulating widely in recent days has caused concern to the relevant departments , since it seems that behind this lies hackers who try to get rich by asking the recipient to assist in an online fundraiser for the victims in the Philippines.
The mail usually has this format
Beware if you receive this mail: Scammers exploit the typhoon in the Philippines to distract you Money.
To protect the public from such pitfalls , tsismosaonline recalls what to do in such cases: Be careful when opening email with such requests, verify it 's authenticity organization which will transfer the amount you wish and especially to never respond to email that require you to provide personal and confidential information
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