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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Greece Unions Strike today to Electric metro (ISAP), Metro and Tram November 3rd stoppage from 21:00 to the end of the shift-Public transport stoppage get ready

Public transport stoppage get ready. Electric metro (ISAP), Metro and Tram November 3 strike 21:00 until to the end of the shift

Warning stoppage for todayTuesday, November 3rd, from 21:00 until the end of the shift, the workers decided in mid-track in Athens, "denouncing thereby mismanagement in public transport or even negligence of those responsible for the situation are now the metro, tram and subway. "

The Unions Ilektrodigon and other workers at the stop (SIEK) Ilektrodigon Tram Attica (SCREEN), Association of Workers Tram (SET) and Union Metro workers, in their joint statement noted that the new restructuring plan which constitutes Annex of the latter Law (4337 / 15), there is no strategic planning or quantitative data - projections or goals - to appreciate the benefits it would bring. Rather, the evidence that describes, as the associations of workers, the fact is that "spending cuts and personnel" that will arise from possible services mergers will create needs will be met by contractors. Obviously also, the "economy of scale" that could arise, will be used as payment of any foreign-international consultant to undertake the design work.

Finally, the Communication refers to the problems of the "rolling stock shortages Line 1 and the lingering problem of the reception of trains 3rd row to the Metro."

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