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Monday, September 21, 2015

Conditions of Greek citizenship through birth depending on the legal status of a child parents

Kindly all immigrants to read carefully if you classified in rules and provisions of law. All categories, supporting documents and the settings OF GREEK NATIONALITY Law. 4332/2015 will be post to pubic by our editors team.
Conditions depending on the legal stay of a child's parents:
  •  Completion of one of the parents of a child five years of continuous legal residence in the country at the time of child birth.
Note:If the child was born before the completion of that five-year conditions, the completion  of the parents is ok as long as ten continuous legal residence in the country of one of the child's parents exists. 
  • Lawful residence on the part of both parents of the child (possession of a definitive title of legal stay in force) at the time the joint application-declaration. Applicants , Parents must hold a valid residence permit 
  • Possession by at least one of the child's parents at the time of submission of the joint application of a declaration of the following, exhaustively listed, securities legal residence:
a long- term resident, or  a indefinite permit or residence permit for ten years
or a document certifying permanent residence of EU citizens under the provisions of PD 106/2007 (A 135)
or a residence recognized political refugee or subsidiary protection status, under the provisions of PD 61/1999 (A 63) 96/2008 (A 152), 114/2010 (A 195) and 113/2013 (A 146), as applicable, or residence stateless or special identity card (E.D.T.O.) accompanied by a valid residence permit uniform format (A.D.E.T.) or other evidence of legal residence homogeneous second generation permit or family member permanent residence card of a Greek or EU citizen

For your Childs Conditions click here 

For Documents for Greek citizenship through birth click here

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