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Monday, July 6, 2015

Greek Prime Minister Tsipras Calls Greek Party Leaders Emergency Meeting Ahead of Negotiations

After a week of strong divisions and accusations, Greece political leaders will have to turn the page and work together starting tomorrow.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsirpas met with the President of the Hellenic Republic, Prokopis Pavlopoulos, to ask for a meeting with Greece’s party leaders tomorrow. The meeting will take place on Monday morning.

“Greece was and will be an integral part of the European Union” Pavlopoulos said during the meeting and added that Greece is fully willing and wanting to stay in Europe and the Eurozone.

Tsipras had announced his intention to meet with Pavlopoulos on this matter earlier during his televised speech on the NO vote result. The prime minister hopes to get the recommendations of the other party leaders ahead of the negotiations. The meeting is also an effort to promote unity within Greece, which Tsipras called for earlier today and in the days leading up to the referendum.

“Regardless of what you voted today, from now on we are all one. And it is our duty to do our best to overcome this crisis and elevate Greece again” he said during his speech.

The prime minister also reaffirmed the governments intention to return to negotiations to strike a deal with the international creditors.

“We all know that there are no easy solutions,” Tsipras said. “There are however fair solutions. There are are sustainable solutions. If both sides want it”.

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