European Commission Releases Statement after NO Result in Greek Referendum
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9:39 AM
The European Commission released a statement on the Greek referendum result that turned down a bailout deal that was partly designed by the Commission.
Here is the full statement.
The European Commission takes note of and respects the result of the referendum in Greece.
President Juncker is consulting tonight and tomorrow with the democratically elected leaders of the other 18 Eurozone members as well as with the Heads of the EU institutions. He will have a conference call among the “Euro-Institutionals” (with the President of the Euro Summit, the President of the Euro Group and the President of the European Central Bank) on Monday morning. He intends to address the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Tuesday.
Earlier today Martin Schulz, the President of the European Parliament warned of difficult future situations for Greeks following their choice on Sunday.
An urgent Eurogroup Working Group meeting will also take place today Monday.