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Monday, December 15, 2014

Calumpit Bridge Contractor Fails to Meet Deadline Again

Governor Wilhelmino M. Sy-Alvarado and town mayor Jessie de Jesus nearly blew their tops after learning that the contractor cannot meet its December deadline they to finish the Calumpit bridge on the Macarthur Highway in Barangay Gatbuka.
The governor said this is the tenth time both the regional office of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and the Wing Ann Construction and Development Company have failed to meet their promised deadline. The construction of the new bridge began in 2013 after Alvarado called the attention of the national government that the the old bridge is no longer safe and could collapse.
The DPWH awarded the contract to Wing Ann Construction and Development company after making a bid of P166 million on the proposed P210-million budget for the new bridge.
The new bridge was scheduled to be finished by April 2014 but got stalled after workers discovered that there was an old structure beneath the old bridge.
Until now, the construction of the new bridge is still half-way through.
The bridge links Bulacan to Pampanga and other northern provinces in central and northern Luzon.
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