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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sueselbeck Opts for Voluntary Deportation Now Bound for Germany

German national Marc Sueselbeck is finally allowed to fly back to Germany after he opted for voluntary deportation before the Bureau of Immigration. Sueselbeck was earlier declared as an “undesirable alien” by the government agency.
He is currently en route to Germany after boarding China Airlines flight CI-704 which left Manila at around 4:45 p.m. Saturday.
In an ambush interview before boarded his flight, Sueselbeck said despite his inclusion in the BOI “blacklist,” he is hoping to come back to the Philippines on  March 13, 2015, which is supposed to be the  wedding date set by to his slain fiancé Jeffrey “Jennifer” Laude.
Sueselbeck said he is planning  to file a petition to remove his record as a blacklisted alien so he can return to the Philippines to personally witness the court proceedings on the case of Jennifer.
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