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Sunday, November 2, 2014

769 Qualify for Vacancies at Bureau of Customs

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) announced that ‎769 out of the nearly 5,000 job applicants ‎qualified for the 1,056 vacant posts in the agency, but they will undergo further screening.
This developed after the qualifier passed the general aptitude test conducted by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) for managerial and non-supervisory positions on August 31 and September 28.
‎”They will move on to the second phase of screening, the competency-based tests. These may include job-specific exams and personal interviews,” BOC said.
The second round of tests will focus on specific exams to determine whether  the candidates have the right‎ qualifications and if they are fit for the positions.
For applicants who are aspiring to fill the posts in the Customs Intelligence and Enforcement Group, they would take physical fitness tests, it said.
BOC, however, has to make an official announcement yet on the exact date for the next round of screening.
The agency wants to fill up the 1,056 job vacancies since it has only 3,600 employees or just over half of the BOC’s plantilla size of 7,000 positions. ‎
In hiring new  personnel, the BOC is  implementing a policy against nepotism  and tight screening to ensure the job applicants would be hired based on credentials and not on who are their political backers.
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