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Sunday, December 15, 2013

10,000 Fishing Boats Appealed by an Agency for Fishermen Victims of Yolanda

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)  urged non-government organizations and private individuals to help in the acquisition of 10,000 fishing boats for 20,000 fisherfolk-families affected by the Super Typhoon Yolanda. BFAR has launched a rehabilitation initiative that will ensure immediate livelihood assistance to the distressed fisherfolk. The said initiative launched in Cebu City and called  "Ahon! Sampung Libong Bangka para sa Dalawampung Libong Pamilya" aims to rally 10,000 fishing boats or bancas in 3 months to help rebuild the livelihoods of the typhoon affected families. To jump start this initiative, the bureau has already earmarked some Php 50 million, of which the bulk will be used to build the initial 3,000 bancas. The remaining amount will go to the construction of 350 units of shallow water fish aggregating devices locally called "payao" which the bureau will instant to provide fisherfolk with targeted fishing areas.   
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