Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista has placed the Quezon City Police District (QCPD) as well as traffic, rescue and barangay personnel on alert to ensure the orderly and peaceful observance of Holy Week.
Bautista heightened police visibility in all bus terminals and other passenger holding areas in the city, including terminals of the Metro Rail Transit (MRT) to deter criminal activities.
The QCPD will also set up police assistance centers and conduct 24/7 foot, mobile and motorcycle patrols to secure bus terminals and MRT stations.
Patrol cars were also deployed along residential areas to thwart “akyat bahay” incidents and guard the places holding “pabasa” or the reading of the passion of Christ.
Even with the heightened police visibility, the mayor urged residents to be vigilant and adopt precautionary measures for their personal security and safety especially if they will leave their houses during the Holy Week.
The city’s rescue team, on the other hand, was mobilized to respond to any emergency that may occur during the Lenten break.