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Friday, March 24, 2017

Duterte opposes same-sex marriage

PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte has expressed his disapproval of legalizing same-sex marriage in the country. In a speech delivered before Filipino community in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar on Sunday evening, Duterte said marriage is only between man and woman, as provided by Civil Code of the Philippines. The President made the statement as he lamented anew the interference of the United States in the country's bloody war versus illegal drugs. "Imagine, you will propose -- look at [American news magazine] Time now -- there is no gender because you can be a he or she. There is already no [gender identity]. Look at the cover of Time magazine, a woman or a man, there is no he or she," Duterte said. "That's their culture. You can do that but that can't be done to us because we're Catholics and there is the Civil Code, which says that you can only marry a woman for me [and] for a woman to marry a man. That's our law so why would you accept that gender?" he said. Duterte, however, clarified that he is not against the members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, citing that he has brother-in-law and cousins who are gays. Duterte explained he does not approve same-sex relationship because he cannot ignore the "great divide between a woman and a man" when God created them. "You should stay from where God put you. Do not mix with us. Imagine. I am the President and there is no -- you erase the great divide between a woman and a man," he said. Duterte's latest pronouncement is in contradiction with his remark during the 2016 presidential campaign that he would consider legalizing same-sex marriage, if he becomes president.

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