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Saturday, November 14, 2015

The family of a filipina in Greece worried if the relative is safe during Paris Terror Attacks, comment if you know she is safe or you worried for your relative in france

Gunmen and bombers attacked restaurants, a concert hall and a sports stadium at locations across Paris, killing at least 120 people in a deadly rampage that a shaken President Francois Hollande called an unprecedented terrorist attack.
A Paris city hall official said four gunmen systematically slaughtered at least 87 young people attending a rock concert at the Bataclan music hall. Anti-terrorist commandos eventually launched an assault on the building. The gunmen detonated explosive belts and dozens of shocked survivors were rescued.
Some 40 more people were killed in five other attacks in the Paris region, the city hall official said, including an apparent double suicide bombing outside the national stadium, where Hollande and the German foreign minister were watching a friendly soccer international.
The family of a filipina in Greece  worried if the relative is safe during Paris Terror Attacks and they contact with a tsismosaonline.com news reporter to ask for help,
Ana Maria Diloy a former filipina ofw in Greece and now Lives in Lyon, France, Visited Athens Greece Last Sundy and latest she been spotted drinking wine.10 hrs ago at Villeurbanne, France 
Ana Maria Diloy if you read the article comment your safe
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