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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Cyprus-27-year old Filipina mother and undocumented worker jumped from the 5th floor of a building when the immigration police attempt to check

A young Filipina mother fell to her death from the 5th floor of an apartment complex in Nicosia on Friday, in an attempt to flee police immigrant checks.

Police were performing routine checks following reports that immigrants without residence permits were staying in the building.

When the 27-year-old woman from the Philippines whose permit had expired long time ago, was informed of police presence, unnoticed she tried to get to the next door apartment via the building’s skylight.

No one saw her fall. She was found later heavily injured when neighbours went searching for her after the police had gone.

She was taken to hospital but succumbed to her injuries on Saturday morning.

The unfortunate woman was a mother of three young children and was residing in Nicosia with her Nepalese partner. 

Tsismosaonline.com news reporter talked to Nepalese husbund and he said two days before the police raid the building, his wife  worried about her life as an undocumented worker " I built a family here -- but it could all be taken away. I live in fear of deportation were the last words of the filipina. 

I was at work in a restaurant when I heard immigration police was arresting undocumented workers. Two armed men with badges showed up on my apartment complex in Nicosia the husbund said. My neighborhood was full of armed officers and flashing police lights. All my neighbors were out on the street.

I was born in a small farming town in Nepal and came to Cyprus without papers at 20 years old. The lingo for people like me is a “Dreamer” .I knew we were undocumented, but I didn’t yet understand what it meant. I was different. Like when my friends got their licenses, and I couldn’t. Or when I tried to find work, but was told I wouldn’t be able to. That’s when I started to realize what life without immigration papers was going to be like.

I started to feel pretty bad about myself, too, like I wasn’t good enough, because I wasn’t like the other legal foreigners. I worried about stuff like that all the time. I worried about how I could help support my family financially, too.  I need to work to support my family, and I need documents in order to do that lawfully. My children won’t have their mother by their side. Who could ever call that justice?

Deportation: What Happens if you are Deported

Deportation is a serious problem for  undocumented workers. If you over stay your visa, work illegally or break the law, you are liable for deportation. However, deportations can happen by accident too.

There are a few things to keep in mind regarding deportation orders. Usually, the orders will give you a chance to leave of your own free will and most of the time, you won’t get an ugly deportation stamp in the back of your passport and more likely than not, be allowed back into the country after a set amount of time (or simply after you leave and get a new visa). Deportation orders usually come with terms and conditions, you must leave within a set amount of time, buy your own ticket out (don’t necessarily need to go home but you can’t stay here) and stay outside the country for a set period of time.

If you violate the deportation orders, you are in for a nasty surprise. You will more likely than not be detained in an immigration detention centre while the host country processes you out. If you are detained, you can expect to sit in the detention centre for up to a week and sometimes longer. At this point, it is an official deportation, you get the deportation stamp in the back of your passport and free ticket home (they usually don’t give you a plane ticket to anywhere but your home country). You may have just stopped and saw I said free ticket and yes, it is free in a sense but you will be billed for the ticket and usually fined, it will be much more expensive than if you had self-deported.

If you were forcefully deported, cross that country off the places you cannot visit again as you won’t be allowed back in until you repay the ticket, fine and have to wait a set period of time, that is if they even let you back in. Not only that, be prepared to answer some questions at the next port of entry as immigration officers really don’t like seeing deportation stamps. However, hope is not lost if you find yourself with one of those stamps in the back of your passport and in fact, is easy to rectify (won’t help you get back into the country you were deported from).

Keep in mind, most countries ask you if you have ever been deported or removed from a country. If you have but never got the stamp or it is no longer in your (new) passport, then tick no.  If you have that stamp and the arrival card asks if you have been deported, obviously you need to tick yes because it will be quite obvious to the immigration officer you are lying and you’ll probably be booted out of another country.

reporting for tsismosaonline.com
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