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Sunday, September 13, 2015

GREEK RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR STUDIES-Entry and residence of foreigners for studies, all that you want to know and afraid to ask

The guide was written within the framework of the Community Initiative EQUAL , the tsismosaonline.com administrators team(Greek and Filipino Community on Facebook) and the developmental partnership Consortium for the development of equal rights and social intervention. Itis addressed to the immigrants who intend to enter or are in the process of settling down in the region of Attica. It offers in a wider sense useful information to every immigrant who is or intends to enter the Greek territory, as far as the immigrant is informed about the processes and the official papers that are required, as well as the services that have the responsibility of handling the immigrants’ cases.

The guide includes the most recent law adjustments for the entry and the residence of foreigners in Greece, as well as for their access to the health system and education. In particular it informs for the procedure of entry and staying in Greece, for the procedure of renewing the residence and work permit, for theimmigrants’ rights and the obligations. It offers information for issues related to the labour market,insurance, taxation, legal support, education, provision for medical care.

This effort of diffusing knowledge aims at helping immigrants integrate in the Greek society as quickly andsmoothly as possible. So far as we refer to newcomers who do not know the services where they can apply, the procedures that are followed and the law framework that regulates the entry and residence of foreigners, the gathering of information that they need in a guide constitutes important assistance for the newcomers informing. Moreover as we refer to a group which scarcely or inadequately knows the language of the host country, the translation of the guide in other languages will facilitate its use for the majority of the immigrants. The languages in which it will be translated are the English, the Albanian, the Turkish and the Russian. 

Article 10 Law 2910/01
(Article 19 of the Law 3013/02 par. 1b)
1. A foreigner’s entry in Greece for studies in Greek Educational Institutions
and Greek Technological Educational Institutions, ir in the Greek School of Tourist Professions of the Greek National Tourist Organization,  is allowed, as long as the foreigner has formerly
received entry visa for that reason.
2. For the issue of entry visa for studies a foreigner should:
  • ƒ Be accepted in one of the educational institutions mentioned in paragraph 1 
  • ƒ Be capable of providing for the expenses of ones studies and residence in Greece
 3. A foreigner who wishes to come to Greece for studies must submit to the Greek
 Consulate of ones place of residence:
  • ƒ Passport or other traveling document
  • ƒ Certificate of Greek Educational Institute (the original document) that the foreigner is accepted to enroll.
  • ƒ Statement that one has the necessary economic means for ones studies in Greece
  • ƒ Certificate of criminal record by the authorities of ones country
(Article 11 Law 2910/01)
 A foreigner who wishes to have a residence permit issued for studies in Greece must submit application with  his/her place of residence two months before his/her entry visa expires, in which the aim of the residence permit will be mentioned. The application must be accompanied by:
1. Copy of his/her passport with the entry visa, which must be for studies
2. Three colour photos
3. Original certificate from an educational institution that he/she has been
enrolled in that
4. Documents proving that he/she can cover the expenses for ones residence and
studies for the period the residence permit is valid. Such documents can be for
example the bank account, bank remittance, certification of ones parents with
the attestation of the authenticity of the signature by the Greek Consul that the
parent can cover the expenses of his/her child, salary receipt (because those
who study are allowed to work part-time).
5. Certificate of the insurance institution that one is insured for the coverage of
hospital treatment and medicare. The insurance institution can be private or
6. Health certificate which must be issued by Greek public hospital, which will
verify that one does not suffer from disease, which can constitute threat for
public health.
7. Fee of 150 euros by tax office (paravolo), as stated in article 71 of this law.
8. Simple statement of the foreigner in which his/her address will be mentioned.
If the statement is untrue, the sanctions of article 54, paragraph 4 take effect. All the documents, apart from the passport, must be legalized. (The legalization can take place in the offices where the documents are submitted) 

Duration and renewal of the residence permit for studies
Article 12 of the Law 2910/01
The residence permit for studies is valid for one year and can be renewed each time for one year.
The total time of residence cannot be more than the total duration of the studies augmented by half. In the time mentioned above one year is added so that one canlearn the Greek language.

Renewal of the residence permit for studies
Article 13 of the Law 2910/01
(Article 8, paragraph 3, Law 3146/03)
For the renewal of the residence permit for studies the foreigner must submit two months before it expires to the office with  his/her place of residence application which must be accompanied with all the documents (except for the health certificate) that are mentioned in article 11 (issue of residence permit studies) and additionallycertification of the educational institution where the foreigner studies, from which willbe verified that the foreigner is enrolled and participates in the exams. (the original
document is needed)

The project is co-financed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the
European Union within the framework of the Actions of the European Social Fund 

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