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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Greek Prime Minister said: We Must Work Hard and Meet People’s Expectations

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras addressed his ministers in the first cabinet meeting saying that they must work hard and meet people’s expectations and that they will be judged for their work in six months.

“We must honor the support and trust the people gave us twice in seven months. We are responsible for meeting their expectations and to honor the choice to govern, to bring the necessary reforms and changes that the country needs in order to breathe,” Tsipras said.

Tsipras asked from his cabinet to work hard with the interest of the Greek people at heart. “Our responsibility is to restore Greek people’s dignity so that in our four-year term we will have a Greece without the lenders‘ supervision… and on path to growth,” he underlined.

The Greek prime minister also asked for an upgrade of the Greek health system, necessary reforms in education, a productive model for the economy, protection of employment and fair distribution of the tax burden.

Tsipras stressed that the ministers must concentrate on their work and that they will be judged by the results they will bring in six months. “Your positions are not permanent. No one is permanent. The ministries do not belong to you, they belong to the Greek people, and you are called to serve them,” he said.

He urged them to avoid appearing on television and making statements:  “I call on you to stop your constant television appearances and your continuous public statements. I chose you as ministers to govern and to solve people’s’ problems, not to staff television morning shows.”

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