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Monday, September 7, 2015

Free 24 scholarships worth 2600 each for members of Greek and Filipino Community on Facebook, If you wish to study now in Greece txt us

Greek and Filipino Community with tsismosaonline.com administrators team  secured 24 free scholarships worth 2600 each for members  on our facebook fun Page who wish their childrens to join Voula College Preparatory AVCP  in Greece

Greek and Filipino Community together with theVoula College Preparatory AVCP offering a Program for ages 15 and up, complete and enhanced curriculum to SAT - ACT training including the ELINOMATHEIA Certificate of Attainment in Greek language, trained by legally licensed professionals, for their next Academic step obtaining Admission into a College or University Undergraduate studies in the U.S.A. Europe and elsewhere Free

24 scholarships worth 2600 each will be given free with recommendation letter for each student by the admins of Greek and Filipino Community 

Like our Page on Facebook and text us to get recommendation letter now

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