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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Why Filipino Remittances centers in Greece denied to open for 500euro limit per client, How you will transfer money abroad now , Read the true story find answers

Over a month is Greece under capitals contols and we been receiving thousands txt messages on facebook, from filipinos, asking when the remittances centers in Greece will open again.
August 18 -2015 after a meeting in the Greek parlianment,  Greek finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos announced new adjustments to the capital controls on the Greek economy.
The law Published, the same date at 3 am in the morning,  at Greek Government Gazette with number V'1721 and allowed to send 500 euro per person outside Greece, in a month, starting  immediately  effect.
Good news you will say. Yes . We also in the tsismosaonline.com , the founder and the personnel, we thought the same. God bless, its over , filipinos in Greece can send  500 euro , in a month, to their families back. Certainly better than nothing.

Noooo, wrong again. untill now, Filipino remittances center, the money transfer business in Greece for OFW denied to open. Even when the Greek law Published, their excuse untill now  is "we STILL waiting for the official instructions from the Greek Authority as to when we can start operating again."
How is that possible you will ask? who denied business? its not true you will say.
Lets see the facts here
Have you ever heard for any Authority, everywere in the world, that comes to your door if you dont do a crime first? really ?? Do you think Greek Authority, Greek public workers will come to your filipino door , to say hi, kumusta ka na? , we are from the Goverment, we  came to tell ,you can start operating again, collect money, get rich, pay your personnel, your bills etc etc. Realy ???
People of remittances centers, ownwers and personnel here is the truth, you dont need to waiting for the Greek Authority to come to you, If you really want to operate your business again, you can do it for 500 euro per person in a month , just send your lawyers to bring you the Greek Government Gazette with number V'1721 . so simple.
But ofcource , that means you will need to pay extra money to update your computer system for working with 500 euro limit. You as money transfer business,  you will need to change the rate commission, you will need to print other reciepts with low commission and high taxes , you  as money transfer business , you will need to pay your personnel extra for only 500 euro per person in a month coming from your clients back to you? Thats no business, you will lose money. and there is no profit enough. Right?
You cannot do it right?
Because you know that the capital controls maybe remain for 2 0r 3 years , you choose as business to remain closed, typical you choose to wait until Greek parlianment,  the Greek finance Minister after the Greek elections ends,  will  announce new adjustments again  and may increase the limit of 500 euro in a month.
How can i managed to transfer money abroad Now? today? 
Has anybody managed to transfer money from Greece to Philippines? 
Very Good question. There are several other ways to transfer money abroad, today without going to any remittances center . You just need to think about it. If your filipino in Greece you dont realy need to depend on any remittance center here , and wait when and if  open again. Yes ofcourse you must not choose any illegal business to transfer money abroad.We dont say that. 

option no 1
Greek banks send money abroad , 500 euro per person in a month, with your Swift Code(Swift Code is a  unique identification code for your bank in the Philippines.If you dont know the  Swift Code of your bank in Philippines, please read bellow -All Philippines Bank SWIFT Codes)

Note: You are allowed to transfer up to €5,000 in 3 months if it is for students studying abroad. You need proof it is for tuition fees, an application form from bank and upefthini dilosi.
We in tsismosaonline.com managed to transfer money to Philippines yesterday August 25 -2015 with succsess.using Greek bank

Option no 2
Transfer money online, yes we will not hide Banks charge hidden fees when you send money abroad, so why dont you use an online service to transfer money to Philippines? If you are in Greece you can tranfer money to Philippines online.

We in tsismosaonline.com managed to transfer money to Philippines yesterday August 25 -2015 with succsess. using online money tranfer

service no 1
for TransferWise click here

service no 2
for CurrencyFair click here

Option no 3

Use cheque or credit/debit card to transfer money to Philippines. If you dont have cheque or credit/debit card , ask from your employer to use his/her cheque or credit/debit card and keep the money from your salary later. I mean you work here in Greece to support your family in Philippines right? Time to stop the cheap excuses and ask help from your Greek employer.

We in tsismosaonline.com managed to transfer money to Philippines yesterday August 25 -2015 with succsess using our employer and founder of this website,  cheque or credit/debit card

Swift Code is a standard format of Bank Identifier Codes (BIC) and it is unique identification code for a particular bank. These codes are used when transferring money between banks, particularly for international wire transfers. Banks also used the codes for exchanging other messages between them.

All Philippines Bank SWIFT Codes

Below are two websites with the SWIFT codes for all banks in Philippines. These SWIFT codes are only the active participants who are connected to SWIFT network. The passive participant’s codes are excluded from the list.

website no 1 click here

website no 2 click here

Reporting for tsismosaonline.com
FilipinaAna maria

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