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Friday, August 28, 2015

Here is a Success story of Eight Filipino Students with OFW parents in Greece who continue to beat the Greek economic crisis

The difficult economic situation in Greece has not dampened business for these eight Filipino students with ofw parents

When we read the news about the woes of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Greece such as homesickness, terrible employers or getting displaced in an internal conflict, we may easily question if going to Greece was such a sound decision after all. We left our country to look for greener pastures and not trouble.

But come to think of it, while we see fellow OFWs suffer in Greece— and we sympathize with them — many of us also reap the benefits as OFWs. We learn new things, we broaden our horizons as we contribute to the well-being of our families and our country. Here are some exciting success stories of graduated Filipino students with ofw parents, a good reasons to come to Greece.

Athina Cacatian
Studies International Hospitality and Tourism 
Management at Alpine Center 
Glyfada, Athens Greece
Athina’s Academic Achievements will include a Bachelor’s Degree
from Cardiff University U.K. 
Athina is presently doing her internship at the 5* Atlantica Sensatori Hotel and Resort 
We are very proud of you Athina, wishing you all success!


John Anastacio Hilario 

John ‘Anas’ to his friends
has always had a strong inclination 
toward the Culinary Arts.  
His academic achievements have earned him
a recommendation and acceptance to study 
at the Alpine Center of Glyfada, Athens Greece
John begins his studies at Alpine in September 
Bravo! “Anas”


John Abuy

John 'Gil ' to his friends, will be studying 
International Hotel & Tourism Management 
at Alpine the Swiss Business School 
of City Unity College in Glyfada, Greece.
Additionally John will also graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree from Cardiff University.
We all are very proud of 'Gil ' on his 
been accepted at Alpine, and wish him much 
success in his studies

Mark Lester Francisco

Mark's AVCP academic achievements have earned 
him acceptance at the Hellenic American University  
Undergraduate BSIT Program, at the Athens Campus.
Mark's hard work and diligence propelled him to graduate 
on the top of his class. 
We are very proud of Mark and wish him all due success!




Rein Ashley Dizon

Graduating on the Top of her class
Rein an excellent student, who always worked hard and achieves results.
A team player on all projects, setting high goals for success for her self  and her team  a respectful and a helpful individual to her classmates and her teachers. 
Her friends describe her as a fun person to be around a loyal friend and among those 'most likely to succeed'.
Rein has chosen to study International 
Hotel & Tourism Management
at Alpine the Swiss Business School 
of City Unity College in Glyfada, Greece. 
Additionally Rein will graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree from Cardiff University.

Rechelle Bhing Del Rosario

Rechelle, will also be studying
International Hotel & Tourism Management 
at Alpine the Swiss Business School 
at City Unity College in Glyfada, Greece.
Rechelle an excellent student and a hard working 
individual, is result driven, and a team player on all projects.
At the completion of her studies, Rechelle will also graduate
with a Bachelor’s degree from Cardiff University
We all are so proud! of you Rechelle and wish you
‘much deserved academic career success’

Niko Lahiru K. D. Madistharage

‘Niko’ will also be studying 
International Hotel and Tourism Management
at Alpine the Swiss Business School 
of City Unity College in Glyfada, Greece.
Niko will complete his studies by earning a Bachelor’s
Degree from Cardiff University U.K. as well
A very personable young man, quick to smile 
and very helpful to everyone that may have a need. 
Wishing you all success!

Alli Dimaculangan Rashid

Alli's future Academic plans are in 
Computer Software Design and Engineering.
Having scored High on his SAT testing
Alli is presently undergoing special training 
that will see him to the next stage of his academic career. 
Alli wishes to study in the U.S. and he will be choosing
the University of his choice this coming Fall.
Alli, the Valedictorian of the 2015Graduating class
is of strong character and ethics,
a hard working individual and a team player 
on all projects he was involved in. 
As of recent, Alli has joined the training program of the 
Volunteer Fire Fighting Brigade of Ymittos-Argyroupoli Branch

Wow !! what a good story, dont you agree? As we adapt into our new home, we get to learn many things: language, food, customs and traditions. In the process we realize there are things we need to change within ourselves. In a nutshell, being an OFW is also like being a student, we learn many things and we’re given free hand to apply them.
We, in tsismosaonline.com sent our reporter to Athens Voula College Preparatory [AVCP] to get a better understanding as to who is behind the teaching and promoting to our children. The people at this Institute of Private Instruction are responsible for having worked hard with these students so that they can achieve their rightful place as the leaders of tomorrow in our Greek and Filipino community and in the field they will be working in. Here’s what they told our reporter:

Parents work very hard for a better way of life to provide for each and every need of their child. This is especially true with Overseas Filipino Workers. They toil hard every day to make sure their family is taken care of, and they want a better future for their child. At Athens Voula College Preparatory [AVCP] we fully understand and respect the parents concern for their family and their children’s educational needs. 
At AVCP we have the expertise required to fulfil the educational needs for the student of these filipino families. Our students are taught to be hard working successful leaders. AVCP graduates are equipped to become someone important. We daily instill in our students the reality of success and self-worth. We teach and expect our students to work hard in their studies and teach good moral character assisting them in becoming ‘the best they can be’.

Our track record is impeccable. Being accepted to study at AVCP gives your child the unique opportunity to be a Top-student ensuring him/her a bright future. Your friends and relatives children that graduated from AVCP have already been placed in Institutions of Higher Learning. Bachelor’s Degrees and professional careers are earned by them. These children will have access to the best paying jobs in Greece and world-wide.  Doesn’t your child deserve the same opportunity for success? AVCP prepares your student for tomorrow not with words, but with action. We strive to embed in the heart of the student the feeling of ‘worth’, the feeling of     ‘Yes I can’, ‘Yes, I will succeed’- and they do!                                                                                  
Our track-record and student success stories are proof.
AVCP utilizes a U.S. accredited curriculum.  The student is trained to the latest standards of U.S. education. PSAT and SAT training is standard. Through this curriculum he/she may excel and have the opportunity to study at, and receive scholarships from English speaking Institutions   of higher learning. These Colleges and Universities may be in Greece, Europe North America and etc. 
Daily lessons include proper teaching of the Greek language and instruction on how to adjust to this society. As time goes by the student begins to open up and feel equal, not different. They will gain confidence, sense of accomplishment and self-worth. In this way the student can better adjust to the cultural differences, new language and the pressure of living and growing up in a different society and environment. Your student will become a socially and educationally well-balanced individual’ that Colleges and employers seek.
AVCP’s new Academic Year begins on September 15th. Enroll your child in the Institute that produces ‘The Leaders of Tomorrow’.

Wow again! If we didn’t get a closer glimpse of our success stories in Greece when we were back in the Philippines, we might even get backstage passes when those young Filipino leaders visit our cities for promotion and entertainment. We in tsismosaonline.com ,  must say that if you contact with pinoy  parents in Greece you will learn the success story of their kids  and some of those stories  behind the teaching is the  college Preparatory Institute of Private Instruction. If you ask Us, we will tell you the same!!, So stay connected for more success stories of Filipino In Greece. or contact now with a tsismosaonline.com news reporter and watch your successful story published.

Reporting for tsismosaonline 
Pinay Ako sa Greece
Mary Anna

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