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Monday, July 20, 2015

Philippine Ambassador to Greece asked Filipinos to exercise caution especially if they are near Greek demonstrators, but the situation in Greece is generally safe and calm

Philippine Ambassador to Greece Nestor Ochoa has asked Filipinos to “exercise caution” especially if they are near demonstrators.

"In view of demonstrations occurring in the center of Athens, and other parts of Greece, I advise the Filipino community in Greece to avoid areas of demonstrations and to exercise caution if they are within the vicinity of demonstrations."

Ochoa added the Embassy is monitoring the developments on bank closures, among other issues attached to the Greek financial crisis.

"The Phil. Embassy is closely monitoring the developments in Greece. Because of the financial situation, banks in Greece are currently closed and capital control is in place but the situation in Greece is generally safe and calm,” said Ochoa.

Earlier, presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said the government is also willing to extend help to Filipinos in Greece affected by financial crisis in Greece.

Filipinos there said they are not spared from the crisis, being hounded by problems of limited cash withdrawal, delayed salaries, closure of remittance centers, among others.

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