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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Greek public transport STRIKE tomorrow W E D N E S D A Y 15/07/15 -Read all about

Tomorrow W E D N E S D A Y  15/07/15 the following strikes and work stoppages have been announced in Greek public transport

ATTIKO METRO (Blue & Red lines):  work stoppage from the beginning of the shift until 9:00.
 Will be running only as far as Doukissis Plakendias and not to the Athens Airport due to the strike of Proastiakos (suburbam railways) for the whole day.

ELECTRIC RAILWAYS(Green line): working as usual

BLUE BUSES: working as usual

TROLLEY BUSES: working as usual 

TRAM: working as usual

PROASTIAKOS & OSE (Suburban & Trains): 24-hour strike

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