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Monday, July 6, 2015

Filipina Mother in Greece wanted to commit suicide because her savings in the Greek bank for son's tuition fee can not send in the Philippines

Unknown peson had informed with email the service center Cyber ​​Alert for the intentions of the Filipina , who finally spotted by the police men, shortly before commit suicide.

The Department of Electronic Crime of Greek Police, after immediate and coordinated action, prevented another case of suicide intent, which was manifested by the Internet user.

Thorough online - police investigation, Police identify digital assets and data of the individual, in order to immediately identify and further ensure the mental health and physical integrity.

Result of the investigation was the identification of electronic trace and geographical location of  the  Filipina residence in Greece. In collaboration with police officers of the Police Department of the Ambelokipoi Athens, Officers went and found the Filipina woman, who was in good health.

Tsismosaonline.com reporter managed to contact with the Filipina Mother in Greece and asked why she attempted  to commit suicide. The mother made the following statement.

Philippines implements a “no late payment” policy wherein students unable to pay their tuition on time are forced to take a leave from the university. My savings in the bank here is for my son's tuition fee to be send in the Philippines and now i can't even get it all and worst can not send it too.

For Tsismosaonline.com 6-7-2015 Filipino Gr

Recall that for such cases, citizens can contact the Department of Electronic Crime, the following contact details:

Phone: 111 88
Sending e-mail to: ccu@cybercrimeunit.gov.gr

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