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Monday, January 12, 2015

HELP LINES IN GREECE for Battered women, cancer patients, dependent people wanting to find a solution to their problems, LEARN MORE

Nowadays more and more people, adults, teens and children seeking information and answers to issues primarily psychological in nature. Battered women, cancer patients, dependent people wanting to find a solution to their problem, but most times not afford or fortitude to go to a specialist designer, to take drastic decisions, find and implement effective solutions.
Open helplines under global statistics have been recognized as an important tool in providing solutions on sensitive issues as well, due to the anonymity of chat, those who resort to them feel they can speak freely about their problems, overcoming social taboos , mostly accompany such diseases.
The tsismosaonline team  always serving the primary existence of objective, namely to serve the Greek & Filipino community patients at all levels, searched and gives you a list format, agencies and telephone help lines that can contribute positively to troubleshooting, offering immediate psychological support
Smile of the Child
Line Support Children
Phone: 1056
The phone answering child psychologists, social workers and volunteers. They listen carefully to the concerns of each child 24 hours a day and receive complaints abuse or exploitation of children.
Psychosocial Health of Children & Adolescents
If you are a parent or teacher
Phone: 801-801-1177
If a child or teenager
Phone: 116-111
The line is intended for parents, teens, children, teachers, health professionals and generally anyone who is in need of advice and support. Also addressed to all who want help to treat mental problems of their family.
Center for Abused Women
Phone: 210 52 35 318  AND 210 41 12 091 -9 a.m. to  6.00 pm
Phone: 210 32 20 900 -6.00 pm to  10.00 pm
Psychological support and legal advice.
Line Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 pm

Line against Family Violence "DOUBLE YOUR"
Phone: 800 11 88 881 Nationwide Helpline directly fixed without charge
Phone: 210 77 86 800 from mobile fee
In this line you will find legal and psychological support network of volunteers and volunteers legal and psychologists.
Line Opening Hours: Daily, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 pm
Shelter for Abused Women & underage girls
Thessaloniki City
Phone: 2310 528 483 and 2310 519 594
fax: 2310 544 979
Providing temporary housing in a safe place and support services for the rehabilitation of abused girls and women.
Student Counseling Center, University of Athens
Phone: 210 72 77 553 210 72 77 554 helpdesk
The main purpose of the Advisory Centre is to support and help students to cope effectively all these problems that might occur during the student life.
Centre Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm

Student Support Centre, University of Macedonia
Phone: 2310 891 406 for an appointment and information
It is a new department of the University of Macedonia provide information, support and psychological counseling to all students and Foundation students. Students / behavior shows they can find help that best address the personal and academic problems encountered during their student life. Another of the objectives of the Centre is the personal development and the improvement of their social life throbbing inside and outside the university.
Centre Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 pm

Director Mental Health Service AUEB
Phone: 210 82 03 239 for information
The aim of the service is to support and assist the academic community, especially students in addressing the problems during their student life.
Service Hours: Tuesday - Thursday - Friday, 11:00 a.m. 3:00 pm

Counseling Center, University of Piraeus
Phone: 210 41 42 042 210 41 42 043 for communication with students
fax: 210-4142402
The Center offers specialized services to students and students of the University. Addressed to all students either have some problems finding it difficult to cope with and solve them, or need support for their decisions to proceed with life choices
Centre Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. 3:00 pm
Wednesday and Thursday, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm

Emergency Telephone Assistance Unit
Phone: 210 72 22 333
Eginition Hospital, Department of Psychiatry
Telephone help solve psychological problems.
Line Opening Hours: Daily, 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm
National Centre for Emergency Social Assistance (EKKA)
Phone: 197 Helpline Instant National Centre for Social Solidarity
The Centre is under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity
based in Athens.
The purpose of EKKA is to provide direct social and psychological services
  people, families and vulnerable groups in crisis or are
  in an emergency situation.
Line Opening Hours: 24 hours, all week
Line Together for Children
Phone: 115 25
When we need help, should ask the Calls in Line "Together for Children" include:
Information - guiding and handling issues on mental health of children, violence within the family, children at risk as well as Ms. disabled children
Download and anonymous allegations of child maltreatment
Psychosocial Health of Children and Adolescents
Line-link for parents
Phone: 801 801 1177
The "Bar Association" is a telephone helpline for parents, teachers and anyone adult wants to talk about a subject that employs him in relation to a child or teenager.
If you need help, support or advice on matters relating to the mental health of children and adolescents can call from
Monday - Friday 9:30 am - 8:30 pm, Saturday from 9:30 am -2: 00 pm
Emergency Telephone Assistance Unit
Phone: 210 72 22 333
Eginition Hospital
Department of Psychiatry
In this line help is provided for psychological problems.
Hours: Daily, 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Centre "Elli Lambeti" Greek Company Mastology
Phone: 210 77 73 112 for information
The center provides information in relation to the disease, psychological and
counseling for women with breast cancer issues and considers
equally important psychological support of family
  ambient women both during treatment,
and after.
Opening hours: Monday -Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5.00 pm
Line SOS: 1031
The Telephone OKANA the line began operating in September 2000 and is staffed by specially trained and experienced staff.
The main objective of the operation is to provide short-advisory services
  people who have directly or nearby environment dependency problem,
While having regard to the privacy and anonymity
The service is available to the public Monday to Friday 08.00 to 20.00 hours.
Open Counseling Line for AIDS - A Hospital. Syngros
The Department is staffed by scientists mental health professionals with special training on AIDS issues.
Re: is the specialized psychosocial intervention in AIDS issues, timely and effective prevention.
  Also very important is the appropriate response to various psychological and social needs of HIV-positive individuals and patients with AIDS, people in their environment, but also the general public.
The line is aimed at parents, children, adolescents, teachers, health professionals and generally anyone in need of advice, support and assistance on issues of mental health of the family.
Line Opening Hours: Daily, 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 pm Saturday: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 pm
Centre for Psychosocial Support for cancer patients
Greek Cancer Society
Phone: 210-64 64 598
The main objective of the service is the psychological support of the patient and his environment.
It works on an individual and group level

Line against Family Violence "DOUBLE YOUR"
Greek European Women Network
Aimed at all those who are subjected to violence and abuse in their homes.
The Office provides legal and psychological support network of volunteers / three, legal and psychologists, shelter, support for social reintegration and job
Phone: 8001188881, 2107786800
Every day, weekends and holidays
Hours: 9:00. to 15:00
Palliative compassionate palliative care
Association "love" for cancer patients
Phone .: 210 729 10 79 for information
  fax: 210 721 06 95
The purpose of the Society is the psychological, emotional, spiritual and nursing assistance for patients with incurable disease, in the last stage of their lives, as well as critical and the psychological support of family and supportive environment for patients.
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