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Friday, January 2, 2015

Dept. of Health Says: Injuries Due to Fireworks 39% Lower

The Department of Health (DOH) announced that the number of fireworks-related injuries declined this New Year, noting a decrease of at least 39 percent compared with last year’s numbers.
“The number of fireworks-related injuries this year was lower compared with that of last year. In total, this year’s fireworks-related injuries is 39-percent lower than in the previous year. It’s even lower compared to that of the previous five year (2009 to 2013) average number of injuries,” Acting Health Secretary Janette Loreto-Garin said.
A total of 351 fireworks-related injuries were recorded as of 6 a.m. of January 1. The figure is 227 cases lower than in the same period last year.
Of the 351 cases of fireworks injuries, 84 percent involved male patients.
It was also revealed that 234 got injured because they handled the firecrackers; while 112 were bystanders.
The National Capital Region recorded the highest number of injuries with 48 percent of the total.
The figures, however, may still change because the agency will still collect and verify cases of injuries in the 50 sentinel hospitals. 

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