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Sunday, December 21, 2014

LP Allied Party Floats Roxas-Poe in 2016

A stalwart of the National Unity Party (NUP), which is allied with President Aquino’s Liberal Party (LP), is not just floating the possibility but committing its all-out support for a 2016 presidential tandem of Interior and Local Government Secretary Mar Roxas and Senator Grace Poe.
Cavite Rep. Elpidio Barzaga, Jr. branded as “ideal” Roxas’ team up with Poe, even as he cited that the duo are both qualified to seek higher office in 2016 and could implement President Aquino’s pro-people reforms.
“Roxas-Poe ticket would be the ideal combination for 2016 national elections. The foundations for good governance, transparency and accountabilty which President Aquino has laid would be continued,” he said in a text message.
Barzaga joined LP Secretary General and Samar Congressman Mel Senen Sarmiento in pushing for Roxas-Poe tandem in the 2016 polls, believing that the team up combines leadership, experience and expertise in governance with mass appeal, honesty and idealism.
“There is no issue of corruption alluded to Mar Roxas who who was a former senator, DTI and DOTC secretaryand now the head of the DILG. An honest president with vast experience in legislative and executive work is the kind of president which the country needs in 2016,” he said.
“Grace Poe who has always stood for the masses and has always been vocal against the failure and abuses of government officials would definetely be a good vice president,” he added.
Sarmiento said a Roxas-Poe team in 2016 “is really worth considering” as they can complement each other in terms of their strengths and weaknesses.
“Secretary Roxas has a deep experience in governance and has a proven track record as a public servant but he seems to lack the ‘masa’ appeal of Senator Poe,” he said.
With Poe as partner, Roxas would be more effective in reversing the false perceptions about him as a result of relentless political mudslinging, Sarmiento said.
Poe, on the other hand, will not have to worry about the huge logistical requirement and the far-reaching political machinery that is needed to run a national political campaign.
“LP and Secretary Roxas have a political machinery that extends even to the smallest barangay and the expertise to effectively run a nation. Sen. Poe has the charisma and the idealism to inspire unity among our people,” he said.
Poe, a neophyte senator, maintained that she has no other commitment, but to serve the public in her capacity as a senator even as surveys exalt her and major political parties court her.
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