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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Hope and Joy this Christmas

I convey my warmest Christmas greetings to Filipinos from all over the world. In solemn and faithful rumination, let the Almighty’s grace empower our personal and collective journey of renewal.
Today, we come together in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Upon a manger, our Savior was brought into the world, bringing renewed hope and joy into humanity. The Nativity story tells us of humility and compassion; these are same values upon which our government is founded and to this day, serves: We are here to protect your interests and to put your welfare above all else.
The past year brought another seemingly insurmountable challenge: While Visayas continues on the track of recovery from Yolanda, Ruby threatened to dismantle what we had already started to rebuild. But we have soldiered on. Through our solidarity and His benevolence, we gained the strength and wisdom to lead our people away from peril.
In this time of giving, may we also remember those who are still going through the process of healing, those who have been displaced by calamity, and those whose spirits are consumed by despair, doubt, and apathy. Let us open our hearts to them, that through the light of hope and faith we carry, may they find clarity, peace, and resolve they seek.
Together, let us shepherd our nation forward along the straight and righteous path towards the brighter, more equitably progressive future we rightfully deserve. May we all have a joyful and meaningful Christmas celebration.
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