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Sunday, December 28, 2014

He Triumphed and So Shall Our Nation

 Two millennia ago, a bright star announced to the whole world the birth of Jesus Christ, the greatest gift that our Creator could give mankind. This selfless act is the core of our celebrations this Christmas season, and I hope and pray that we as a people would once again find in our hearts the true meaning of Christ’s birth: faith, hope, and love. Amid the challenges we face as Filipinos, I remain hopeful that the spirit of Christmas would inspire each and every one of us to join hands as we rebuild our nation from the rubble of disasters and divisiveness. And we pray for the divine power and grace by which Jesus Himself, born in the simplicity of a manger, triumphed against the forces of hate, evil, and death.
Today, we celebrate His life as much as we celebrate our hope for a better future emerging from our present travails. Christ has triumphed, and so shall our nation.
It is my sincere hope that as we commemorate the birth of the Savior, we also become living proof of the Almighty’s love, compassion, wisdom, and justice.
Together with Mike, Mikey, Luli, Dato, and the rest of our family, I wish you all the blessings and joys this Christmas and for the coming year!
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