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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Greece Group of men wearing hoods attacked Against Police Station, Court Building, Banks, With Molotov Cocktails

A group of 15-20 men wearing hoods attacked the Vyronas police station throwing molotov cocktails at around 10:30 p.m. the evening of December 4.

The men attacked the station on Agiou Dimitriou street suddenly and fled immediately. The fire from the molotov cocktails damaged a police vehicle parked in front of the station.

The rest of the night was marked by similar arson attacks against banks, state buildings and vehicles all over Attica, Greece.

At 2:30 a.m., an unidentified men threw molotov cocktails setting fire to the entrance of a bank on Gounari street in Glyfada. A little later, five vehicles belonging to National Hellenic Telecommunications (OTE) were burned on Amorgou street in Egaleo.

At 3:45 a.m., fire was set to the ATM of a bank on Trion Ierarchon streen in Petralona, while e few minutes later three small gas containers exploded in front of another bank in Galatsi.

Finally, at around 5:00 a.m., unidentified men threw gas containers that exploded at the entrance of the courts building on Evelpidon street causing damages to the outpost

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