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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Pag-Ibig Denies Contracts with Omni

The Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF or Pag-IBIG) denied yesterday having given multi-million-peso contracts to Omni Security Investigation and General Services, Inc., which is being linked to Vice President Jejomar C. Binay. In a statement released by Binay’s office, Pag-IBIG Fund President and CEO Darlene Marie B. Berberabe also disputed a report that the said security agency secured contracts with Pag-IBIG Fund that allegedly did not go through proper bidding.
Binay is the chairman of the Pag-IBIG Board of Trustees being the head of the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC).
“The message sought to be conveyed is that Pag-IBIG Fund is involved in shady deals, a message that is most unfair, for it is unsupported by facts,” Berberabe said.
“Pag-IBIG Fund has never awarded multimillion-peso contracts to Omni apart from the contract for the security detail of the CEO,” she added.
Berberabe clarified that “the contract awarded to Omni was for her personal security and that it was an emergency procurement brought about by death threats to Pag-IBIG officers during the time.”
She added that such direct procurement is “allowed and recognized under the Government Procurement Reform Act or R.A. 9184 under certain circumstances which were present in this case.”
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