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Thursday, October 30, 2014

The first public breast-feeding area in Greece is now a reality - Read were It is located

The first public breast-feeding area in Greece is now a reality. It is located at the “Athens Heart Mall” a shopping mall located in central Athens (Pireos street).

Breast-feeding was a taboo in Greek society until very recently. A lot of reaction has led to actions making breast-feeding in public areas acceptable by society.

An event for breast-feeding in public spaces will take place this coming Sunday, November 2. Several designated areas in more than 50 different Greek cities will host mothers who wish to join this effort to breast feed their babies publicly. The event is organized to celebrate the World Breast Feeding Week (1-7 November).

A day earlier, on Saturday November 1, a series of informative sessions, organized by the Pan-hellenic Network of Breast Feeding and Motherhood Volunteers, “Alkyoni,” will take place. Doctors and health sector professionals will give practical advice and information to mothers who breast feed their babies.
In Attica, the Team of Supporting Motherhood and Breast-feeding, in collaboration with the Research of the University Institute of Applied Communication team is organizing an event at Zapeion Hall, on Sunday at 11 a.m.

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