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Monday, October 20, 2014

Rain of shooting stars Tuesday Night in Greece

A spectacular sight of "shooting stars" will have the opportunity to watch the night Tuesday, October 21. 

The rain of "shooting stars" called Orionides will culminate on 21 and 22 October in the northern hemisphere, which include Greece.

The Orionides is a medium intensity rain shooting stars, each year take place from early October to early November and this year is expected to reach a peak in the evening Tuesday, October 21 to Wednesday, October 22 at dawn. 

The lack of light moon in the sky will help to observe the phenomenon. The best times for viewing will be a little after midnight and well before dawn, when the local sky is clear of clouds. 

The Orionides, which seems to come from the constellation of Orion and that "it took their name, created from materials that has left behind the comet of Halley. Dozens of meteors enter and burn in the Earth's atmosphere. 

The "shooting stars" of Orionidon is the fastest, and often moving at high speed to 67 kilometers per second and leave deep marks in the sky.

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