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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Police Department of Foreigners in Greece ... Tuberculosis, hepatitis, and Violence

Least ten confirmed cases of tuberculosis found inside Police station in Patision and at least three rumored for Aliens. Last Thursday was rushed to the hospital a detainee from Afghanistan which reportedly found engaged tuberculosis.

In 2014, Greece is Member of the State of the European Union, and they are foreign prisoners with tuberculosis ! At the same time outside the Department of Foreigners of Attica,  where dozens of detained immigrants who tried to enter the country illegally starting from every possible and impossible place on earth. "You have given the piece of paper?" Asks one another. They seem anxious. They want to know if their colleagues, waiting for hours in the queue, in the bustle of the day there is no time to lose. 

 Foreigners who paid 1,000 euros over the head to travel to the promised land ... 
Criminal prisoners, among them ruthless criminals. Murderers and rapists. Prisoners with serious infectious diseases. 
"Herein tuberculosis, hepatitis and AIDS reap," says a lawyer. An example of the appalling conditions in Aliens what was said recently by two doctors at the information seminar for Ebola virus and tuberculosis: "What we can do is to reduce the chances of catching colleagues" tried to explain the institutions class, admitting that the risk of transmission of infectious diseases are quite serious. 

One danger is that every day over the heads not only of immigrants and police who guard and the team of doctors, nurses and administrative staff (23 people) who has been sent by HCDCP to provide primary care to patients with doctors to report that "there are no adequate measures." 

However, it is known that the Police Department of Foreigners in Greece  have no space isolation for sick prisoners. And if it were only that ... The scenes of violence are considered commonplace. Only groans from panic attacks who suffer daily prisoners arrive and surplus to weave the scene of absolute horror.

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