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Sunday, October 12, 2014

ILLEGAL OR NOT? the KASAPI HELLAS (Union of Filipino Immigrants in GREECE) might be given felony charges

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KASAPI HELLAS (Union of Filipino Immigrants in GREECE) Has big problem and might be given felony charges or forced to return money back and closed. 

Audit ordered for 6,000 NGOs by the Public Prosecutor in Greece, Among those KASAPI will be checked by the Economic Police too .

Once complete the control of the Economic Police accountants experts, the Greek government will decide which NGOs will receive new funding in a transparent manner and which are ILLEGAL and need to stoped, said yesterday the Greek Deputy of Foreign.

Founded in 1986 and represents the Unity of Philippine Migrant Workers in Greece (OFWs), Mr. Valencia heads Kasapi Hellas.

Meanwhile the intervention of the former Ambassador in Greece the period 2010 RIGOBERTO D. TIGLAO, In his, letter to the Greek Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mr. Evangelos Venizelos, about corruption in the field of Kasapi Hellas RIGOBERTO D. TIGLAO, said amog others.

Mr. Valencia heads Kasapi Hellas, which unfortunately has degenerated into his own personal gang, which only he commands. Mr. Valencia tells Greeks that he is the leader of all Filipinos in Greece. He has been staying in Greece since 1985 by telling Greek authorities to this day that he is a refugee from the Marcos dictatorship – which ended 24 years ago. That indeed is a most unpatriotic ruse for insisting o live in comfort in a foreign country, as that excuse portrays our country as one still under dictatorship.

In contrast to OFWs and even as he claims to represent them, Valencia has never had a regular job all his life. He cannot explain how can live in Athens without a job or a business. therefore that his income in Greece is coming from membership fees in Kasapi, donations by European and Greek to Kasapi earnings from the events he orrganizes, and to his kindergarten illegal school his wife runs. These funds are not audited by anyone else except the Valencia couple.

Mr. Valencia’s kindergarten similarly was determined by authorities as not meeting safety requirements. Mr. Valencia however telling charitable Greeks and organizations, that his school needs €180,000, and that they should deposit funds into his bank account because fake schools for Filipino children in Greece continue swindling OFWs in Athens even today, called Philippine Cultural Educational Academy (PCEA), and have sharp enrolment fee when the school year started every September in Greece as OFWs in Athens the children’s schooling will not be recognized in the Philippines nor in Greece.

The new scandal with the NGO in Greece with the large number of organizations operating abroad and created and received grants with the approval of the former prime minister, George Papandreou, under the umbrella of Hellenic Aid, the prosperous Greece offered 600 million euros and now demands to know what happen those money.

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