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Sunday, October 5, 2014

ABANDON SHIP Filipino Crew jump into sea in front of camera

A Greek pensioner has told tsismosaonline.com that he saw and record with his mobile video  between the island of Cebu and the city of Iloilo in the Philippines, the captain and the Filipino crew of the cargo ship jump into sea.
The crew and the captain went to escape from something and i dont understund what was that" maybe the bad weather he said. 
Finally they jumped overboard and were picked up by the Coastguard and some people who truied to help.
I have spoken to the captain. He said nobody is seriously injured. Apart from the anxiety and shock, they are all right. 
There was no argument or incident" 
A Police man said: "A full police investigation is now under way to establish what happened and how those now in hospital came by their injuries." 
watch the video
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