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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Stricter Measures Including More Security Up in Pasay City Jail

The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology in Pasay City beefed up its security as the newly appointed jail warden, Supt. Noel Montalvo, imposed stricter measures and added more personnel to guard the building.
As soon as Montalvo was given the position two weeks ago, he imposed stricter measures like adding more close-circuit television (CCTV) cameras, conducting surprise inspections and adding more personnel to guard the jail.
Montalvo said a recent inspection resulted in the confiscation of cigarettes and drug paraphernalia from cell No. 13.
Montalvo said detainees were taken by surprise when jail officers suddenly inspected their cells.
Officers started the search at the second floor.
In cell No. 13, they found a mobile phone belonging to 20-year-old Joey Morales.
Officers also found 29 packs of cigarettes on his bed which he shares with Esmeraldo Trinidad, Christian Gratil, Angelo Bernas Tanggonte Salik and Glenn Satorre.

Authorities confiscated a key of a handcuff from Christopher Marcelino which he allegedly stole from the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) quarters where he was previously detained.
Aside from that, they discovered drug paraphernalia such as aluminum foil, four disposable lighters, five razor blades, hair pin and rope which they use in pulling cigarettes from the cell window.
“We strictly forbid cigarettes inside the jail as smoking poses health risks,” said Montalvo in Filipino.
There were no forbidden items in the other cells, according to prison officials.
Six detainees, in whose possession were found illegal items, are under investigation.
Prior to the inspection, officers confiscated four mobile phones, suspected metamphethamine hydrochloride (shabu) and improvised weapons in a surprise inspection last Aug.30.

Aside from such inspections, Montalvo requested four additional CCTV cameras, one camera to be installed per floor in the building.
Before that request, the building had only 12 CCTV cameras

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