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Friday, September 12, 2014

Story of the day-The incredible Claudio Vieira de Oliver who was born with her head upside down! (photo)

From the day he came to life, the daily life of Claudio Vieira de Olivera is a constant battle for survival, a struggle against all odds, that wins so far.
The 37-year old Brazilian born today with the head upside down due to a rare condition which, among other things, left him with deformed limbs.
Life was hard with him from the first day after the doctors who brought him to life, horrified by the image of the child, they decided the first minutes after birth
that the child would be able to survive this and asked his mother to let him die of hunger!
However, despite medical predictions and warnings of Claudio Monte Santo in Brazil, not only managed to reach 37 years of life, but has managed to become a source of inspiration for hundreds of people who have serious health problems, enabling them, through the conferences in which it participates, strength to continue fighting.
He reveals in a recent interview that as a child he liked to keep himself busy. As he says, he wanted to work on something constantly because he did not want to be dependent on other people all his life. 
The 37-year old alone can turn on the television, talking on mobile phone, using the Internet, writing and with the special shoes he order, hecan move comfortably without assistance.
Indeed, the passion for life has allowed him to excel in school and studied accounting at State University.

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