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Friday, September 12, 2014

Rudy to Miriam: Thanks But No Thanks

Maintaining that he may not be effective at a national post and with retirement in the horizon, Mayor Rodrigo Duterte turned down the offer of Senator Miriam-Defensor Santiago to be her running mate come 2016 national election.
“I’m really flattered, honored by the declaration of Senator Santiago but unfortunately I said I am not good for national office,” Duterte told reporters in an interview on Wednesday here.
“Besides, I intend to retire after this term,” Duterte added.
Instead, the mayor endorsed former Defense Secretary Gilbert “Gibo” Teodoro to run for vice president in 2016.
“I am asking Gilbert Teodoro to accept the draft for vice president. (Teodoro) is a man of integrity, honest, competence and his capability is beyond issue. He would be a good vice president for the Republic,” Duterte maintained.

Aside from his capabilities, Duterte said he had a debt of gratitude from Teodoro who served as his lawyer in one of his legal battles before.
“During those low moments in my life before, he stood by me,” Duterte pointed out.
“Kung siya ang tatakbo as vice president, I will support him all the way, including my resources,” he added.
Santiago on Monday said she would love to run with Duterte as her running mate, saying that the feisty mayor would be excellent for the position of vice president, given his solid track record for law enforcement and advocacies against  corruption and commitment to peace and order. The senator also named Teodoro and Senator Grace Poe Llamanzares as her potential running mates in 2016.
But Duterte refused to comment on who he will support for President in the next national elections.
He also dismissed as rumor loose talk that he had been asked to run for vice president under the administration party.
Duterte said he and President Aquino only had the “casual talk (and customary) shake of hands” when he fetched the Chief Executive from the airport in the latter’s visit to this city earlier this week.

Duterte also clarified that he will resist any moves to install him as President should a group of disgruntled factions in the military launch a coup d’etat against the Aquino administration
“I will not be a party to any seizure of government, and I will not serve in a government that is forced upon the throat of the people,” Duterte said.clarified.
Duterte, who supported Mr. Aquino in the last elections, pledged: “He (President Aquino) has my loyalty to the very end, to the last minute and last second of his presidency.”

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