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Friday, December 13, 2013

Philippine Government Signs Security Deal with Japan

 Pres. Aquino and PM Abe yesterday further cemented the strategic partnership between their respective countries as they witnessed the signing of 3 exchange of notes covering security, disaster rehabilitation and liberalization of air services. They also solidified economic ties with Philippine adoption of the Japanese system of digital terrestrial TV broadcasting that's expected to bring in Japanese investment to the country. On the 2nd day of the President visit here for the 40th anniversary of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Japan relations, Aquino and Abe held a one on one lunch meeting where the Japanese leader expressed his sympathy and condolences to the victims and survivors of Super Typhoon Yolanda that obliterated several towns and one city in Eastern Visayas. Abe told the president that the Japanese people are only repaying what the Philippines did when Japan was hit by earthquake and tsunami 2 yrs. ago that also damaged the Fukushima nuclear plant.   
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