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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Shocking-And three Greeks in the trap of the little virtual Filipina 'Sweetie'

Three Greek pedophiles fell into the trap of " Sweetie " but it remains unknown whether and when they would be arrested . The Greek pedophiles allegedly was approached through social networking sites and asked lewd acts a 10 year Filipino under the pseudonym «Sweetie». not
was a real person but electronic creation panel by Dutch scientists. It was a minor - digital model trapped in two months 1,000 pedophiles from 71 countries and between these three market of our country. The seizure but by Greek prosecutors claimed to be intractable problem since as mentioned officers of the Police to ' Step ', the Greek law does not allow prosecution with such " traps " by the authorities.
The three-dimensional virtual girl - bait that is supposed to originate from the Philippines is the brainchild of Dutch organization Terre des Hommes International Federation. The objective of this exercise was to-reach adults who attempted to pay minor children from the developing world in order to satisfy them sexually on webcam.
dimensional bait
Those responsible then the program ( relevant film on this web site http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVg5Pcs-Xj0) using special electronic simulators of human movements but also through special software able to control their movements the tone and timbre of voice, facial expressions of 10-year ' cute ' so that the result is quite realistic .
The little Filipino seemed willing talks chatting and " to satisfy all the desires of pedophiles around the world." But at that time the electronic " interlocutors " of not perceive that basically communicate with a computer system in a warehouse in Amsterdam , where was the seat of the Dutch organization responsible .
As long as the little iconic Filipina talked with aspiring pedophiles , the researchers looked for evidence based on the data they saw on their profiles , photos from web cameras and combining elements from Facebook and Google arrived in locating and collecting full elements of their identity . These data were transmitted before 24H few to Interpol.
As he described those responsible for the program, " think what the size of the problem if we found 1,000 pedophiles within two months ." Apart from Greece 46 pedophiles identified in Australia, 56 in Canada, 44 in Germany, 103 in India , 22 in Italy , 20 in Netherlands etc.
In the " radar " 7,500 cases
According to official figures of Security from 2003 to today in about 7,500 cases for action pedophiles have a total of 823 accused persons, of which 274 have been arrested for the remaining 558 formed file. However, according to the same source, only 45 of them have trial detention .
Noted that the Police Directorate of Economic and Cyber ​​Crime identify relevant offenders with an automatic electronic detector " child pornography " on the Internet which is available to the Police The " radar " for pedophilia based on a specific software U.S. company which has the ability to scan approximately 150,000,000 electronic traces recorded every day in our country. This system initially " marks " electronically special code numbers the photos and videos of child pornography and then determines how trafficking in cyberspace.
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