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Monday, October 28, 2013

Greece-Under security measures in the military parade - Who will parade today in Thessaloniki

Under tight security actually takes place in Thessaloniki city-established parade which will take place - even after three years of absence from the tanks and military aviation .
Highly charged the atmosphere is , however, the second largest city after recent statements by the Provincial Governor of Central Macedonia Apostle Tzitzikosta where PASOK paralleled with the Golden Dawn, arousing the political world even eve of the national holiday .
Mr. Tzitzikostas asked to explain his decision to call the platform of the official and members of the Golden Dawn and he explained " we must respect the laws , because then another prefect - stay away from this - could not call PASOK in the parade because it could be said that it is a criminal organization because sentenced Akis Tsochatzopoulos . "
The spokesman SW rushed to the " empty " saying "When someone makes a blunder , the only worst thing is to make a new gaffe to cover it . The k.Tzitzikostas should immediately take corrective statement , "said Mr. Kedikoglou . PASOK side of rushed an announcement stating that " in his attempt to justify his attitude toward the Golden Dawn in Thessaloniki events - witnessed by the President of the Republic - and thinking that exypnadizei against PASOK adopted the Nazi logic of the Golden Dawn and was able to challenge the New Republic because it seems he forgot how he got to be prefect and what the municipality has its headquarters . "
Mr. Tzitzikostas with a further statement on Sunday afternoon , apologized PASOK classed as unfortunate and wrong the example he used. He said: " In relation to the theme created with PASOK , I recognize that the example used was unfortunate and wrong . Under no circumstances may mean that a parallel of this democratic party Golden Dawn . Sorry for the issue was created. Tomorrow's parade we all have a duty to attend to honor the heroes who sacrificed for our country and celebrate together the victory against fascism and Nazism . "
PASOK however seems to insist on the resignation of Mr. Tzitzikosta while party president Evangelos Venizelos decided not to attend the official platform of sending a representative party Antonis Saoulidou that will leave even if attended by representatives of the Golden Dawn.
On the other hand there is concern about the possibility of causing reactions or disapproval on the part of citizens during the parade witnessed by the President of the Republic as had happened two years ago . In this context the ELAS has taken increased security measures .
It is significant that in a radius of hundreds of meters around the ballpark of official access will be possible only by demonstrating specific accreditation .
For the same reason the part of Alexander Avenue from its intersection with the street St. Seraphim until its intersection with the street Athanasios Diakos, will remain closed to the public, so those wishing to attend the parade, will be able to make the rest of the avenue.
The debate on parades and maintained by the official said SYRIZA as Mr. Tasos Courakis who said " SYRIZA would repeal parades ."
 See which roads are closed
Until the completion of the parade is prohibited stopping and parking , and the movement of all vehicles Avenue Alexander Street in G.Papandreou ( from Alexander the Great to Mitr.Kydonion ) , King George ( from Alexander the Great to N . GERMANY) , M.Mpotsari , Karaiskakis Kallidopoulou , March 25 , P.SYNDIKA , Paraskevopoulos Hatzis ( from Vas Olgas Ave until Alexander the Great ) , General Chowder, Pavlos Melas ( from square L.Pyrgou up Tsimiskes ) Soulioti ( from Kallidopoulou up Str.Kakavou ) .
 Also prohibited stopping and parking of all vehicles :
the Holy Trinity, in the part of the L.M.Alexandrou up the street Vassileos Georgiou until 3 in the afternoon .
In the parking lot , located behind the platform of the official parade on the road Athan.Soulioti , until the parade.
 Who will parade
A Political Department
1st Team
Music of Thessaloniki
He that hath the general command of student and political divisions, physical education teacher , Mr. Athanasios Papadopoulos .
Disabled with wheelchairs - Association " KOMANTOS 74 '
Associations National Resistance
Association of Injured Reservists gunners Veterans Pref
Hellenic Red Cross
Association Descendancy Makedonomahon " PAUL MELAS "
Panmacedonian Union Macedonian Struggle Thessaloniki Australia
Association ACHEPANS - ' M. Alexander "-" Penelope "
Down Syndrome Association
 Team 2
Music Papafeio foundation " Meliteus »
Departments Ensign schools in B / Secondary Education / unloading of Thessaloniki
Two high schools , as representatives of the B / Secondary Ekp/sis2i Group
Music Papafeio foundation " Meliteus »
Departments Ensign schools in B / Secondary Education / unloading of Thessaloniki
Two high schools , as representatives of the B / Secondary Education / unloading
 Group 3
Lyceum of Greek Women
mainland Hearth
Cypriot Estia
Panhellenic Federation of Societies of Asia Minor ( Smyrna Mikrasiaton Union of Northern Greece, Cultural Association "Hestia Filadelfaion " Mikrasiaton Student Union , Youth Union, Asia Minor )
Panhellenic Federation of Eastern Rumelia - Bop . Thrace ( P.O.S.AR ) - National Federation of Societies of Thracian - Thracian Hearth
Panhellenic Federation of Cultural Associations of Vlachs
Federation of Cultural Associations and Societies Serres
Educational Association of the Deaf
Voiaki Hearth
Union Cretan Associations Macedonia
Dodekanission Association of Northern Greece
Association Grevenioton
Black Club
Association Evritanians " Velouchi »
Union Corfiot ' SAINT SPIRIDON »
Association Kioutachioton "The AESOP »
Association Kokkinopliton "The Olympus "
Pancreatan Brotherhood Macedonia
Pallesviaki Union
Union Peloponnesians "The KOLOKOTRONIS »
Union Roumelioton Northern Greece
Association Sarakatsanaioi "The Union"
Educational , Embellishing and Educational Association Raxa Trikala
Christian Youth Association " Agios Dimitrios "
Folk - Dance Association YMCA
Dance Group Thessaloniki
Gymnasts Association of Northern Greece , specializing traditional dances
Association Argitheaton NWE "The KATSANTONIS »
Association Leivadioton Thessaloniki " GEORGAKIS OLYMPIOS »
Association of Samian "The Pythagoras '
Chian Association of Thessaloniki "Agia Markella "
Cultural Association " ROMIOSINI »
Association Mikrasiaton N. Nicomedia "The Kizderveniotes »
Association Kranioton Elassonas Thessaloniki
Association Damaskinioton "The Virgin Mary"
Cultural Association Elatochoriton "The Skouterna »
Union Vavdinon Thessaloniki " Nikolaos Germanos '
Cultural and Educational Association of Greek Gypsies ' LOVE '
Artistic Workshop Church Saint Therapon K. Toumba
Cultural Association " Dionysus "
Association of Kozani Thessaloniki
Cultural Association " THE FRIENDS OF DELIVERY "
Cultural Association falconers ' hawks '
Association Kefallinian Thessaloniki ' SAINT GERASSIMOS »
Cultural Association Xylopoli
Worldwide Association Triglianon
Vlach Association Student Thessaloniki
Cultural Association Charilaou
Association " MYTIKAS »
 Group 4
Greek Guiding
Association of School traffic wardens Macedonia - Thrace
Greek Rescue Team
Volunteer Firemen Corps of Greek Replanters
Elite Special Operations Group of Thessaloniki
Historical Military Vehicles Association ( S.I.S.O. )
Volunteer Samaritans & Rescue Thessaloniki
Armed Forces Reserve Club
Club Greek Commando Thessaloniki
Club Volunteer Greek frogman
organization AHEPA
Crisis Management Team ( O.DI.K. )
Duration Parade : 27
Second Military Division
- Music Police
- He that hath the general command and staff ( 4 ¼ vehicles the M / S)
phalanx MOTOR
- Military Police
Platoon commander ( 1 ¼ vehicle the M / S)
9 motorcycles , 2 vehicles ¼ the M / S
- Mechanized Infantry Battalion
War Flag ( 1 M113 APC )
Commander and Staff ( 3 vehicles ¼ the M / S)
M / S Infantry Battalion (13 M113 APC )
Battalion the Support Battalion ( 1 ¼ vehicle the M / S)
Reconnaissance Platoon ( 1 ¼ vehicle the M / S 4, 4 elements firearm on VBL, 4 figures polyvomvidovolou for HUMMER)
Platoon A-T R / B MILAN (1 ¼ the vehicle M / S, 4 A-T ochimataHUMMER MILAN)
Platoon A-T KORNET (1 ¼ vehicle the M / S, 4 vehicles HUMMERA-TKORNET)
Platoon A-T K / D TOW (1 ¼ vehicle the M / S, 4 TOW ITV - M 901)
Mortar platoon 4.2 '' ( 1 ¼ vehicle the M / S, 1 vehicle KDP M113 , 4 vehicles M 106)
- Armored
War Flag ( 1 chariot LEO 1A5 )
Squadron Media Tank LEO (3 ¼ vehicles the M / S)
- Artillery
A. Artillery Battle
Commander and Staff ( 3 vehicles ¼ the M / S)
1st U / S battery 155 mm (1 ¼ vehicle the M / S, 2 KDPFDCV , 4A / K 155 mm)
2nd A / S battery 155 mm (1 ¼ vehicle the M / S, 2 KDP FDCV, 4 A / K 155 mm)
Artillery MLRS (1 ¼ vehicle the M / S, 2 PI M577A2 , 4 ROPs MLRS, 2 M 985 fire vehicles with virtual actors ATACMS and 2 M 989 ATACMS)
PyrovolarchiaK / B " HAWK " ( 1 ¼ vehicle the M / S, 2 cages radar , 4 players with virtual missiles )
PyrovolarchiaA / A RH (1 ¼ vehicle the M / S, 4 S / RH trailers from vehicle 2 1/2 tons )
- Transfers
Commander ( 1 ¼ vehicle the M / S, 2 M / S GRC-206 and 2 cages HERMES )
- Health
Commander ( 3Transport equipment ¼ the M / S)
Two ambulances HUMMER, 2 ambulances and mobile surgery
- Air Force
Flag doorposts ( 3Transport equipment ¼ the M / S)
Squadron Commander ( 1 ¼ vehicle the M / S)
Array S / V PATRIOT (1 trailer Radar-RS, 1 vehicle fire control unit -ECS, 1 vehicle antenna -AMG, 2 trailers missile launch -LS, 1 vehicle tropospheric communications -TROPO, 1 heavy truck parts -LRPT)
- Greek Police ( 1 jeep patrol 10 Instant Action, 16 motorcycles Group "Z " )
- Fire Brigade ( 1 jeep + 10 fire vehicles - aquifer - vrachionofora - ladder )
Phalanx dismounted soldier
- Military Band Third Army Corps
- Section Evzonon
war Flag
company commander
Two Squads Evzonon
- War Department Flags
Governor FIG QOL
War Department SimaionSCh QOL
- Segments Balkan Wars
1st Platoon LOFAT (T / Defence )
2nd Platoon 71 A / M Brigade
- Productive Schools Army
War Flag Military Academy ( SSE )
Battalion Cadets SSE
National Flag Officers Military Academy ( S.S.A.S. )
Administration and Staff S.S.A.S.
Dilochias Student S.S.A.S.
War Flag Permanent Commissioned Officers School ( S.M.Y. )
Administration and Staff S.M.Y.
Band Students S.M.Y.
- Guild M / S QOL / 34 M / S Brigade
war Flag
Commander and Staff
Dilochias Rifle
- 71th Airborne Brigade (A / M Brigade )
war Flag
Management and Staff
Dilochias Rifle
Band Modern Warrior
- Commando Battalion - Parachute (FC - AL )
war Flag
Management and Staff
Dilochias Commando
Commando Battalion Special Composition
- Navy ( PN )
Music Navy
Flag Naval Academy ( S.N.D. )
Head and Staff S.N.D.
Administration S.N.D.
Dilochias S.N.D.
Band Student School Navy Permanent Commissioned Officers ( S.M.Y.N. )
Platoon Forces Underwater Demolition ( D.Y.K. )
- Air Force ( HAF )
Music PA
Flag Air Force Academy ( SJ )
Administration and Staff SJ
Band SI
Flag Art Schools NCO Aviation ( S.T.Y.A. )
Band S.T.Y.A.
Flag NCO School Boards ( S.Y.D. )
Platoon S.Y.D.
- Greek Police ( Police )
Flag School Police Officers
Command and Staff School Police Officers
Battalion Cadet Inspectors School Police Officers
Academy School Band Constables Constables Police
- Coast Guard ( Coast Guard )
Flag OS
Administration and Staff OS
Battalion Cadets coastguards OS
Management OS
Platoon scale special ApostolonL.S .
The parade will consist of the following:
Flying Instruments - M / F
- Army Aviation
R 2 E/PAI-64D
2 E / F NH -90
1 F / R CH-47D
 - Air Force
3 F-16 BLOCK 52 PLUS
3 MIRAGE 2000-5
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