Greece--READ how you will cuts easily and efficiently the electricity bill cost
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10:54 AM
Would you mind to deflate the electricity bill even by 31% without much effort ? Now even you intend not to buy heating oil and warm with electric heaters and blankets ; You only need to activate the night invoice and get organized elementary .
Night invoice can gain any as there are no income or other restrictions . Indeed , a few days you will hear the news that triggered the " winter " nocturnal . This means that from November 1 , PPC will apply lower charges from 15:30 to 17:30 noon and from 02:00 in the morning until 08:00 in the morning.
The answers to the following questions to give you all the necessary information while the table - publishing and includes all changes in tariffs PPC recently with the launch of ETMEAR - will convince you of the necessity of the measure:
What are the hours of the night invoice application ?
It depends on whether it is winter or summer. In the period from 1 May to 31iOktovriou the cheap tariff applies from 23:00 to 07:00. For the period from 1 November to 30 April , the lowest charge applies from 02:00 to 08:00 and from 15:30 to 17:30. The change is approaching so it is advisable to prepare
How can I tell if enabled the " night "?
Usually the electrician installs a light table which notifies you . If you do not have , look at the clock ... you.
If I have " night " what should I do to get it ?
First I must get some work in your home if there is no proper infrastructure . The electrician will need to place a wire that connects the PPC's role with the table inside your home ( ss especially in old buildings can be painful ) . After installation, the electrician will provide a declaration stating that became the particular installation. This certificate will go to PPC where you deposit an application along with the following documents:
Application for reduced tariffs
€ 34 (plus VAT) for your participation in the costs incurred by the PPC.
They and renters to activate the " night "?
Yes but the assent of the owner since - as mentioned above - will be made interventions in the PPC's role but in the electrical panel .
How can I increase the consumption takes place and applies the night tariff?
Some devices work 24 hours a day so anyway you will receive ( eg, refrigerator , freezer , appliances on standby etc). You can maximize the benefit if you choose the option of programming equipment operating via a timer .
How much interest?
The basic question "Who pays the night ? ", The answer is easy: Almost everyone. There are of course the exceptions that prove the rule. The DEI itself detects the case where the night invoice may prove disadvantageous : When the total consumption is less than 150 KWh. Which means that in a home that is rarely used , possibly the night you do not need . But what does the rule ? Table published , made the necessary calculations to obtain the benefit. Were based on the following data :
All calculations were made for a single-phase supply
The calculations include the cost of consumption but also all additional costs ( transportation network charges a separate fee RES excise duty and VAT)
For the calculation of costs nightclub invoice has been taken that the consumer will be able to carry the " night " 40% of total consumption.
What emerges? A landlord who usually consumes 1800 kWh per quarter , pay 334 euros to PPC . It carries 40% of consumption ( 720 kWh ) in the night tariff, the charge will drop to 276 euros. That is, it is a benefit 58 per quarter . It is understood that the larger the household consumption and the higher the consumption rate to be transferred at the times of economic invoice , the greater the profit. For very large homes that consume even 4000 kWh in quarter ( ss may be a small house heated with electricity due to the very high price of heating oil ) the benefit of the night can be up to 190 euros per quarter .