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Friday, October 25, 2013

Greece-Mysterious disappearance of Filipina domestic worker

A veil of mystery covering the case of disappearance of a 33 years old  Filipina domestic worker from Neokesaria Ioannina city -Greece.
The 33 years old Filipina has not give signs of life since last Wednesday , and until yesterday had NOT found any evidence that would lead to traces .
According to the local  anonymous person, friend of the missing woman,  who spoke to tsismosaonline, the filipina  left home Wednesday to go to the center of town. Waited the city bus and since then has not give any sign of life. It is noteworthy that she did not have the any legitimate documents (passport , etc.) with her when she left.
Police investigations are continuing,her  employers , claimed ignorance about the intentions of the young woman ...

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