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Monday, September 2, 2013

Greece-Detected car carrying (22 ) non-legal immigrants inside the country

Identified  car , carrying twenty-two (22 ) non- legal aliens who are nationals of Syria and Afghanistan , inside the country,
The car was located on the Old National Road Lamia - Larissa , at the height of Domokos , while the police asked the smuggler per driver who managed to escape
Detected , (01-09-2013) at dawn , on the Old National Road Lamia - Larissa by officers of the Police Department Domokos , a car, the driver who transported domestically twenty-two (22 ) non- legal aliens.
In particular, at about 1:40 in the morning the police officers , during their patrol in the area of Domokos , identified a car which was parked on the edge of the pavement with expected emergency lights .
At the approach of the police in the above vehicle the driver alighted from it and fled on foot into adjacent fields , taking advantage of the darkness and the peculiarity of the soil.
During the audit , it was found by police officers that twenty two additional occupants nationals Syria and Afghanistan , of which ten (10 ) children namely two of them, aged 2 and 6 years
deprived of legal travel documents , having entered illegally into our country and arrested.
Since the police confiscated I.CH.F. car as a means of transportation of illegal aliens and various personal documents and mobile phones were found inside it.
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