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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Green Tea, A Healthy Beverage

Tea is the most consumed beverage in the world aside from having no calories, consuming tea is beneficial to the body. It has natural chemicals that promotes healthy diet and therapeutic benefits.

One kind of tea is the green tea. It is probably the most healthy tea as it does not only good for weight loss but can prevent various common diseases.

1. Cancer
Green tea helps reduce the risk of cancer. With the help of antioxidants, it can help your body by protecting cells from damage believed to be linked to cancer. It can also prevent skin cancer.

2. Heart disease
Green tea helps prevent heart disease and stroke by lowering the level of cholesterol.

3. Anti-aging
Green tea contains an antioxidant known as polyphenols which fight against aging and promotes longevity.

4. Metabolism
 Green tea helps with your body weight loss. Green tea burns fat and boosts your metabolism rate naturally by burning up to 60 calories in just one day.

5. Arthritis
Green tea can help prevent and reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Green tea has benefit for your health as it protects the cartilage by blocking the enzyme that destroys cartilage.

6. Bones
Green tea is high in fluoride that can keep your bones strong. If you drink green tea every day, this will help you preserve your bone density.

7. Cholesterol
Green tea can help lower cholesterol level.

8. Obesity
Green tea prevents obesity by stopping the movement of glucose in fat cells.

9. Diabetes
 Green tea improves lipid and glucose metabolism, prevents sharp increases in blood sugar level and balances your metabolism rate.

10. Alzheimer
Green tea helps boost your memory.

So if you have not start drinking Green tea, it is time to ditch bad healthy habits and consume at least 3-4 cups of green tea for a longer and healthier life.
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